The Ultimate Manifestation Method - 5 minutes read

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The Ultimate Manifestation Method: A how-to. Using this method I scored the best job of my life in a different country, with no experience or qualifications.

Long story short, I decided to sort my shit out a month or two ago after being unemployed for a year. Using the method I'm going to describe to you I went from:

- No job, no money, £2'000 debt, no prospects, bleak future, living with parents.


- New job in a different country, earning more money than ever, own place, independence, plus some personal projects really blew up well.

Taking into account I have no qualifications, or higher education this is a big deal for me.

How did I do it?

  1. Get a piece of paper, write 4 or 5 semi-believable affirmations. for example, don't go off saying you're earning 3 million a year, start with double your current salary, or just be vague about it, my affirmations concentrated on Money, my music career, and luck. But pick whatever matters to you.
  2. Every morning and every night, say these affirmations out loud. If there are others in the house and you don't want to feel silly, just whisper them. I whisper them when other people are in, say them out loud when I'm home alone. They seem to have more power the louder I say them.
  3. As you read each affirmation aloud, close your eyes and just imagine yourself living out that affirmation. Don't need to spend long on it, 20 seconds is optimal, if you're in a rush though 5 seconds is better than nothing.
  4. That's it.

Additional notes:

  1. Do not miss a day, ever. But, if you do - don't worry. Just keep on trucking. The less you ruminate on it, the less it'll affect your vibration.
  2. I've done my manifestations stoned, I've done them drunk, but I always make sure I do them. Barring 1 or two days where I've been super busy and forgot.
  3. If you find yourself giving up because you can't take the time to do it, don't worry. Start with 1 manifestation and go from there.
  4. I tend to take a big deep breath and then sigh it out 3 times to relax beforehand.
  5. Sometimes my mind races so much I can't concentrate. So I go out for a walk and come back.
  6. Doing it more than 2 times is cool, but don't force it. If you're in a super good mood and you feel like sneaking in an extra session after lunch then goes for it. But don't force yourself to do it to 'manifest faster'.
  7. You will get scared. I promise. Having this much power is scary as shit! Everything will start to happen super fast and you don't really get a chance to think about whether you do or do not want things to move this fast. So make sure you pick your affirmations well.

Common mistakes:

  1. I've known of this method for about 2 years. But I was too scared to use it before. If you stop, don't worry - maybe you're just not ready. You'll inevitably come back to it.
  2. The first time I did this 2 years ago I had like 15 long detailed affirmations and it took me about 35 mins to get through, that's 70 minutes a day and it turned me off massively. Keep it fast, keep it succinct.
  3. Leaving it too late - have the sheet next to your bed, as soon as you wake up, do it. A lot easier before all the day's events stockpile. Especially when things start snowballing and you're filled with anxiety.
  4. Getting scared. As I said, you will get scared. If you have no money now, you'll shit your pants when you have loads. You won't know what to do, be realistic, most of us are scared of success, life is easy when it's simple. Just. Keep. Trucking. I've been paralyzed by thoughts like "Shit, this stuff is fucking working!" "I can't believe I have this much power, no I can believe it. This is good!" "Don't get scared Danny boy! You want this life, keep going!"
  5. Not engaging your emotions. Your emotions are what count. Through each manifestation ask yourself "how do I feel?" grasp that and hold it. In the later stages I found myself saying "Well, I feel exactly the same as I do now because I'm living this reality now."
  6. Not being strict enough, but not being adaptable. I had an affirmation where I said "I am a successful science fiction author and whenever I put pen to paper great works are created." It's still there on the sheet, but I don't bother with it now. It's not my main priority right now and this needs to be an easy process. You can add things or take them away, but try not to review them until 2 months after you've started. If something doesn't feel right, drop it. But don't keep adding things until you've got the hang of this.

it'll take 1 or 2 weeks to get the ball rolling, 3 weeks is when you get anxious after a month changes will happen in your life. After 2 months your life will be completely different so be prepared physically and emotionally.

In the space of 3 days (that was the tipping point) I went from unemployment to booking a flight to Germany for a really good job, so things will move really fast. But it took a few weeks to get to that tipping point, so if u don't see results don't worry - things are working behind the scenes just keep going.

Here is a secret way to manifest anything right now: