Lose weight in a healthy way - 2 minutes read

How to lose weight: Doctor names best healthy diet for weight loss

Eat protein-rich foods for breakfast.

Eating a high-protein breakfast may reduce cravings and calorie intake throughout the day.

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Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juices.

These are some of the reasons why you get fatter. Drinking these types of drinks will make us gain calories.

Drink water before meals.

One study showed that drinking water half an hour before meals increased weight loss by 44% for 3 months. This is mainly due to the fact that the stomach is fuller before starting food intake.

Megan Roberts

Choose healthy foods to lose weight.

Some foods are better for weight loss than others. Among the recommended foods are vegetables, salmon, whole eggs, chicken breast, lean stoneware meat, boiled potatoes, beans, tuna, legumes, fruits, etc. Consult a specialist to suggest a plan specific to your case.

Eat soluble fiber.

Studies show that soluble fibers can promote weight loss. Fiber supplements like glucomannan can also help.

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Drink coffee or tea.

Caffeine increases your metabolism by 3–11%. Consult your specialist or doctor.

Base your diet on whole foods.

They are healthier, fill more, and help you avoid overeating processed foods.

Kristen Thompson

Eat slow.

Eating quickly can lead to weight gain over time while eating slowly makes you feel fuller and increases weight loss hormones.

Weigh yourself every day.

Studies show that people who weigh themselves every day are much more likely to lose weight and keep it off for a long time.

Sleep well.

Sleep is important for many reasons, and poor sleep is one of the biggest risk factors for weight gain

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