Guidelines For Teeth Whitening To Achieve Best Results - 3 minutes read

Most of us indulge in a treat every now and then—a glass of red wine, a curry on a weekend, a cheeky cigarette on our breaks. Stop all of these and many more substances that will cause your teeth to stain, making them darker and yellow.

Remember my rule: if it stains a white shirt, it will stain your teeth. If you can't resist any of these, then always be sure to rinse your mouth afterwards with water and, if possible, brush your teeth. This won't stop the staining but can help to prolong the effect.

There are other options available at home for you to try to stop the effect of red wine and coffee, but these must be used with caution. You could use a hydrogen peroxide compound to help whiten your teeth, but this must be done with care as hydrogen peroxide is currently illegal in the UK for specialists to use. It is a tough chemical which can soften the enamel. If you use hydrogen peroxide, you must use it for only a short period of time and clean the teeth directly after using it. Be sure to leave no residue on the teeth.

Visiting your dentist regularly can help to achieve healthy teeth and cleaner teeth, but unfortunately, this won't whiten your teeth. However, if you want your teeth done by laser whitening, you should visit your dentist at least 6 months prior to the treatment and get a complete mouth check-up, ensuring you have no underlying gum problems or tooth decay problems.

If your dentist advises you of any issues, you should seek advice about teeth whitening as most specialists will not treat a client with gum problems or teeth problems so as not to cause further damage to the teeth. A fully trained specialist will not whiten your teeth if you have clearly visible problems with the teeth. It is important to have a consultation with a specialist beforehand to check if you are eligible for whitening.

If you are unlucky and are not eligible for laser whitening, there are a few fruits that can naturally lighten your teeth. A few fruits that can be used are:

Strawberries: Mash strawberries into a bowl and dip your toothbrush in it and rub them onto your teeth. Be sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards using warm water mixed with a pinch of bicarbonate of soda to reduce the acidity left from the strawberries.

Orange Peel: Using the white side of the orange peel, rub it onto the teeth for a few minutes and rinse well afterwards.

Lemon Juice: Lemon juice can be used with bicarbonate of soda or sodium. Mix the two together and brush on the teeth, ensuring you brush thoroughly afterwards to remove any residue.

The fruits mentioned above are good for whitening naturally as they have a natural acid balance which will lift very light stains. Now I'm not saying you are going to walk out of the bathroom with the brightest white smile, but if you have been told you can't have laser whitening and want to try something at home, this is definitely worth a go.

When trying for whiter teeth, the best preventers of stains are to drink any dark drinks through a straw, clean the teeth whenever possible after eating. Drinking through a straw prevents the drink from hitting the enamel of your teeth, helping to keep your smile as white as possible.