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DO YOU Realize that moneygram is truly taking care of its work? https://www.moneygram.com/mgo/fr/fr

Sending cash is no more is less, they don't do anything more profound: I'm the simpleton who looked for flawlessness when I'm simply Mr. lambda. 

My first experience as a recipient of moneygram administrations has a similar inclination when somebody slaps you off guard. 

It's an absolutely close to home and abstract inclination, I realize that, yet dissecting the experience according to another point of view that of somebody who was trusting that this exchange will pay for a pressing surgery...

must he stand by 1 and a half days to have the option to get an exchange ?produced using a created country to an arising country in a crown pandemic... 


I'm not pitiful, I simply need to comprehend for all to hear. 

In the event that by chance you are important for the moneygram group, kindly watch for data from organizations that offer your administration around the world. 

I'm posting the data you need to follow: 

The opening and shutting seasons of the organizations: simply update this data since today Saturday August seventh before 6pm I circumvented following the data by means of Google...alas 2/3 are closed...whose deficiency is it then, at that point.  

I hope that when you do your cost accounting, you don't include the cost of the receiving service and that you only bear the cost of sending. 

I have 3 questions from my cat to MONEYGRAM 

1 What are your competitors will do if they take advantage from the opportunity to provide real reception services ? 

2 Are you really trying to satisfy your customers or do you have a certain monopolizing advantage?

3 Don't you think it's time to push innovation and encourage your partners to adopt it ? 

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