Herbs For Dogs: The Good and The Bad For Your Furry Friend - 3 minutes read


Herbs have been playing a very essential role in the lives of humans since ages. Not only are these herbs are used for adding flavor to the food, but also for treating a variety of health problems for thousands of years.

But did you know that there are some herbs for dogs that benefit them in one way or another? These are actually good for the four-legged friends that make them active and treat their health problems. 

However, there are some that can be bad for your best friend. So, it becomes important for you to differentiate between the good herbs and the bad herbs. Well, several herbs that are used in commercial dog food are favorable for the health of your dog. But it’s good to know which all are the herbs that are deemed safe for your dog and which ones are toxic, or to be avoided.

Why should you consider adding herbs to your dog’s food?

Well, one of the biggest reasons why more and more pet owners are including herbs in their dog’s food is because these herbs serve their dogs with a host of holistic benefits. 

No doubt holistic medicine has been around for many years now, and this is the type of medicine that stringently focuses on the usage of herbs for treating health problems and other ailments not only in humans but animals as well. Adding herbs to your dog’s diet will promote good health and wellness as well.

Before you consider feeding your four-legged friend some of the most effective herbs for dogs, you ask yourself “Can my dog really eat herbs? Are they really that good for his health?”

Let’s find out…!

If you go online, you’ll find a plethora of information and it’s not surprising that some of it seems tremendously contradictory.

Let’s make things easier for you by dividing herbs into two categories - 

A. Good herbs for dogs

B. Bad herbs for dogs

Good herbs for dogs - There are a lot of herbs that dogs can eat, including chia seeds, ginger, oreganum, mint, basil, coriander and so on. Other than adding flavor to your dog’s diet, the mentioned herbs can benefit the health of your dog to a greater extent. 

Bad herbs for dogs - On the other hand, there are some herbs for dogs which your best friend cannot eat. Comfrey and pennyroyal fall into this category.

Why comfrey and pennyroyal are not deemed safer for your dog?

To begin with, comfrey comprises alkaloids that could cause cancer. As far as pennyroyal is concerned, it can be toxic…it really can! It’s not safe for those dogs suffering from kidney problems or those who’re pregnant.

Final Words

Adding herbs to your dog’s diet can have an enormous impact on his health. These healthy herbs not only seem to benefit humans but animals as well - being a great addition to a dog’s food bowl. Make sure you double check with a reputable source about the type of herb you choose for your dog. You want to serve your pooch with nothing but the best.