Weight Loss Without Exercise - Pick One Or the Other - 2 minutes read

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Weight Loss Without Exercise - Pick One Or the Other

Losing Weight without exercise is very possible and it's amazing how positively our bodies can respond to a simple change in diet. A healthy diet change can see your body returning to its former glory, keeping away illness, and ward of cancer and other ailments.

The change in our diets have been drastic and since the end of the recession and the world wars, we have seen a huge influx of canned foods, processed foods and most worryingly foods now packed with 2 to 3 times the fat and sugar that our bodies were used.

Our bodies went into shock and the obesity epidemic began, if you talk to people who lived through war times you will find so many people mention the forced restriction of food left them trim and healthy, and with the increased work and manual labour our bodies were stronger and more immune to disease than ever before.

Weight loss without exercise is the first step and probably the most important without a proper diet you can find yourself fighting against the calories you loose during exercise and it soon becomes a losing battle that will only leave you frustrated and angry at the reflection in your mirror.

Once you’ve established a healthy diet and eating plan it's important to increase the physical exercise. Yes, it's possible to lose weight without exercising but who are we kidding exercise is not only for looking good but it is important for our longevity and the health of our heart and internal organs. The worst thing you could do is end up being a skinny fat person, stuck in between the two worlds.

You now look slim but carry very little to no muscle which leaves your body soft and pudding-like, so start with the diet and move on to the exercise and if you have to pick one.. A proper diet is where to start.

Getting started is the hardest part and there are mountains of resources out there to get you straight into it, But you don’t want to be spending hours reading before you can get straight into the action.

For an easy-to-follow guide on eating plans and maintaining a healthy diet and achieving the body you always wanted click here.