Add users to the validation rule formula - 1 minute read

Add users to the validation rule formula

Hi, Can someone help me how to write this in the validation rule formula, Given I am a HMN sales user, HMN Sales Operations User, DT Sales user, DTI Sales Operations user (the mentioned users are profiles names), when I am on an opportunity in the Closed Won stage then I will not be able to change the stage.*Note: Admins and Sales Operations should be allowedBelow is the formula I have written, can some one tell me how to add few users who are not mentioned in the above profiles to be excluded from getting the error.AND(CASE($Profile.Name ,"VinSystems Admin",1 ,"Business Admin", 1,"Vin Sales Ops",1 ,"Sales Ops", 1, 0 ) = 0,TEXT(PRIORVALUE(StageName)) = "Closed Won",ISCHANGED(StageName)User name such as Amanda Raff, Seth Mason these 2 users also need to be removed from getting the error. How do i add them to the formula mentioned above? 


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Validation ruleValidation ruleDistal hereditary motor neuronopathiesDistal hereditary motor neuronopathiesDiffusion MRIUser (computing)Software bugSystem administratorBusinessSystem administratorUser (computing)User (computing)Software bug