How to effectively lose weight? Rules, methods and common mistakes - 8 minutes read

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Effective ways to lose weight allow you to quickly get a pretty figure. The most common methods of losing weight are: a healthy, easily digestible diet, slimming exercises, plastic surgery and the use of supplements. More and more people who have problems with overweight and obesity are using slimming pills. However, there are no fat burners that will remove the midsection of your belly. How to effectively lose weight? Only healthy eating and regular exercise guarantee spectacular success.

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1. How to effectively lose weight?

You can effectively lose a few kilos, but only if: changes in eating habits and greater physical activity. It is not necessarily about playing sports, even a daily walk or an hour a week in the pool can make a difference.

  • Give yourself a minimum of one month to lose 2-3 kilos.
  • Prevent fatigue and prevent severe hunger.
  • Stick to the rules set out at the beginning of losing weight.
  • Prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Do not use slimming products and supplements.
  • Maintain maximum enjoyment of food.

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2. Principles of a healthy slimming diet

Fast, effective weight loss is primarily a change in diet and eating habits. How to effectively lose weight? It's important to cut back on your calories gradually, by taking off trans fats and simple sugars first.

When losing weight, you need to take care of good eating habits. The answer to the question of how to effectively lose weight is to follow a few simple rules for losing weight :

  • Don't skip meals, breakfast is especially important.
  • In the evening, eat light meals.
  • Don't eat between meals. If you feel hungry between meals, drink a large glass of water or sugar-free tea. Consuming liquids while eating is not recommended.
  • Limit all additives: fatty sauces, butter, cheese or cream.
  • Don't drink sugary fizzy drinks.
  • Don't drink alcohol or beer. You can drink wine (preferably red), but only 1 glass a day.
  • Avoid eating out as it is more difficult to control what you eat.
  • If you already eat at a restaurant or at your friends', eat small portions and, most of all, do not take extra refills,
  • Choose lean meats and eat mostly skinless poultry, fish and shellfish.
  • Watch out for hidden fats, give up fatty meats and meats, sweets and fried products.
  • Eat vegetables without restrictions and in any form.
  • Eat two fruits a day, but not more.
  • Grill or bake the meat.
  • Boil or stew the vegetables.

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3. Methods for losing weight quickly

Slimming surgeries are needed only by people with very high obesity. One way is to put a silicone bag in your stomach to keep you from feeling hungry. 

Another method is to put a band around the stomach, which divides the stomach into two parts. The first one is very small and therefore satiety appears very quickly. 

Another way is to remove a piece of the stomach. If you don't have time or feel like counting calories, specialists from catering companies will take care of it for you. They will tell you how to lose weight effectively.

They will arrange a diet especially for you and bring the meals home. Although it will not cost you little, the food will be tasty and prepared from the highest quality ingredients.

And it turns out that a million ways to lose weight do not exist at all. You must always eat a healthy diet and play sports, and all "miracle" drugs, machines, and even surgery can only help a little.

Effective weight loss is not quick weight loss. To lose weight you need to be patient, determined and be able to resist temptation. The first week is often the hardest, but the first kilogram you lose gives you strength.

Small exceptions are allowed as long as they are really the exception. Everyone has to find a balance for themselves, without becoming frustrated and obsessed with food. This is especially important if we want to lose weight really long and effectively without the yo-yo effect.

They will arrange a diet especially for you and bring the meals home. Although it will not cost you little, the food will be tasty and prepared from the highest quality ingredients.

And it turns out that a million ways to lose weight do not exist at all. You must always eat a healthy diet and play sports, and all "miracle" drugs, machines, and even surgery can only help a little.

Effective weight loss is not quick weight loss. To lose weight you need to be patient, determined and be able to resist temptation. The first week is often the hardest, but the first kilogram you lose gives you strength.

Small exceptions are allowed as long as they are really the exception. Everyone has to find a balance for themselves, without becoming frustrated and obsessed with food. This is especially important if we want to lose weight really long and effectively without the yo-yo effect.

3.1. Slimming preparations

Dietary supplements for weight loss can help our body a little to burn fat, reduce appetite and speed up metabolism, but taking pills alone will not make you lose weight. Such "miracle" preparations usually contain:

  • dietary fiber - reduces appetite, accelerates the excretion of undigested residues by taking it, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day,
  • chrome - regulates the level of sugar, so you do not throw up on sweets,
  • L-carnitine - helps burn fat,
  • CLA - is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that prevents the accumulation of fat,
  • Chitosan - prevents the absorption of fat.

Slimming pills contain various ingredients that affect the absorption of fat from the intestines, give you a feeling of fullness, and also support the absorption of carbohydrates. Most often these are thermogenic agents because they increase the temperature. This kind of drugs cannot be taken by the elderly and those who have problems with the circulatory system, because they accelerate the heart rate.

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4. Mistakes in weight loss

Lack of exercise - ironing is 263 calories, and washing windows 255 calories - that's a lot, but not enough. Physical effort speeds up the metabolism best. It is thanks to him that you will get rid of those rollers on your stomach and finally you will easily tie your shoes. It is worth using the swimming pool and aerobics, cycling, rollerblading.

Irregular diet - if you think that by eating only a low-calorie breakfast and a small dinner you will lose weight, then you should finally wake up. Firstly, during long breaks between meals, your body goes into hunger mode and tries very hard not to lose a single calorie, and secondly, by starving yourself all day in the evening, you want to eat three times as much.

Snacking - you keep repeating that you don't take anything in your mouth for days and get outraged that you don't lose weight anyway. Meanwhile, you find yourself forgetting the little bites you eat when preparing a meal, feeding your baby, reading or watching TV.

Fatty foods - Fat is needed by your body, but in the right amounts. Replace pork and beef with poultry and fish, buy milk that says 0.5%, not 3.2%, give up butter and cheese.

Light products - they are not always really light, and sometimes they are more caloric than ordinary products, so before using them, read the ingredients carefully. They should have a reduced amount of a given ingredient by 1/3 in relation to the "normal" equivalent.

Lack of carbohydrates - you cannot limit them, because they give you energy to work. You just have to choose wisely. If you eat a piece of bacon, carbohydrates will be deposited in the hated rolls on your belly and will effectively enlarge them, if you prepare porridge, the carbohydrates will be digested for a long time and will give you the energy to swim.

Not enough water - you should drink 2 liters of water a day, unless you have high blood pressure or edema. Hormones - Unfortunately, no diet will help if you have hormonal problems. Examine the thyroid gland to find out.

Lack of fiber - dietary fiber slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, it also accelerates intestinal peristalsis. Therefore, often reach for vegetables and whole grain products.

Bad timing of meals - do not avoid breakfast, this is the most important meal, especially for those who want to lose weight. Breakfast is energy for the whole day, as the slim lady from TV says, and in this case the advertisement doesn't lie. Dinner, in turn, should be the smallest meal and should be eaten about 3 hours before going to bed.

Lack of Motivation - You won't be able to get rid of unnecessary fat from your beautiful thighs if you don't have the right motivation. Think what your friends will say when they see your slim figure at a class meeting or do it just for your own well-being. Think what you want, but effectively.

Disobedience - you do not listen to good advice and constantly wonder why your effective weight loss is not paying off. If so, read the above points again.

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