Miliposts Current Affairs Quiz: October 6, 2022 - 2 minutes read


Miliposts Current Affairs Quiz

Current Affairs Quiz for UPSC - Miliposts Current Affairs Quiz section aims to help all competitive exam hopefuls quickly review the current topics of the day. Topical questions and answers cover topics such as the world's largest sugar producer, the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, and the Giant Farmers Conference.

1. In what category Caroline Bertozzi, Morton Meldel, and K. Barry Sharpless won the 2022 Nobel Prize together?

a) Chemistry

b) Literature

c) Physics

d) Medicine

2. Which country has become the largest sugar producer in the world?

a) Chinese

b) Thailand

c) Brazil

d) India

3. When is World Cerebral Palsy Day celebrated?

a) October 5

b) October 6

c) October 9

d) October 11

4. Who has become the first Native American woman to travel to space?

a) Kayla Barron

b)Anne McClain

c) Nicole Mann

d) Christina Kocho

5. In which state was the 'Vishal Kisan Sammelan' workshop organized by National Mission for Clean Ganga and Sahakar Bharati?

a) Haryana

b)Uttar Pradesh

c) Madhya Pradesh

d) Punjabi

6. Anton Zeilinger, one of the winners of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, which country is he from?

a) France

b) United States

c) Sweden

d) Austria

7. Which country has decided to scrap the proposal to cut taxes for the rich?

a) France

b) United Kingdom

c) Australia

d) New Zealand


1. (a) Chemistry

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been jointly awarded to Caroline Bertozzi, Morten Meldel and K. Barry Sharpless for their work on joining molecules, known as click chemistry. Americans Caroline Bertozzi and Barry Sharpless and Danish scientist Morten Meldl were cited for their work on click chemistry and bioorthogonal reactions.

2. (d) India

India has become the world's largest sugar producer and second-largest sugar exporter. According to the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, supportive international prices and central government policy led to this achievement of the Indian sugar industry.

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