Top 7 Tips to Stop Sugar Cravings - 3 minutes read

Whether you are into a low carb diet, zero carb diet, or simply trying to minimize sugar intake, I am hoping I could help you in my own little way. Let me share with you my top 7 tips to stop sugar cravings whenever it hits me!

This past few weeks, I’ve been eating mostly air-fried pork belly. I am past my 4th month into a zero carbohydrate way of eating. Yesterday, I wanted a beef burger and cheese. I usually just leave out the bun. But upon seeing that the cheese melted on the bun, I ate the bun too! Yummy! Perfect with the black coffee afterward!

Today… It’s past 4 pm, still too early to eat dinner and I already finished the remaining of my half kilo pork belly 2 hours ago. I normally eat twice a day: breakfast and dinner. I just grab pork rinds and coffee in between if I needed to snack. Surely, I’m not hungry this time, I’m craving! I’d like something sweet & creamy!

Having transitioned from yo-yo dieting… to a balanced diet with exercise… to keto diet… to a very low carb diet… then to a carnivore diet, I had to remind myself, I’ve been thru this!

Here are my Top 7 Tips to Stop Sugar Cravings:

  1. Salt. This works best when you’re not hungry or you just want something sweet after that fatty meal. Let that pinch of salt melt on your tongue. Drink enough water throughout the day.
  2. Coffee or tea. Sometimes plain warm water is enough. Hot black coffee soothes my palate and warms my stomach. For better nutrient absorption, you might want to drink your caffeinated drink at least 15 minutes after your meal.
  3. Brush Your Teeth. This is the easiest. I wouldn't suggest chewing gums (if brushing is not an option yet) especially those with artificial sweeteners, it will make you crave more sweets!
  4. Eat a full meal. When you feel the cravings and you haven't had eaten yet, grab your meal and eat until you're stuffed. Pick the fattier cuts of meat for better satiety, or you may add butter (advised only for those who don't eat carbohydrate foods).
  5. Pick snacks when you need to. Back when I did keto, inflammation hit me cooking those delicious and creamy treats, eggs & dairy are not for me. If you're not a strict carnivore, you can opt for those healthy recipes. Pork rinds are my go-to snack.
  6. Divert your attention. Keep yourself busy with something productive. Perhaps, plan your next meal plans and make your grocery shopping list. Or simply sit back and read your favorite book.
  7. Move on. If all the above didn't work and you gave in to your sugar craving, forgive yourself, and continue with your health plans.

Before I started Zero Carb Diet, I watched countless videos on YouTube and I've read articles online. I learned a lot from doctors, nutrition experts, and people from all walks of life who shared their testimonials on their success reclaiming their health by eliminating carbohydrates/sugar in their food plans.

We crave sugar for a ton of possible reasons. But for me? It's my body telling me that it's not getting what it needs yet. So, eating nutritious and hydrating it enough - works all the time!