How To Get Relief From Joint Pain? -- 15 Ways That May Give You Relief From Joint Pain. - 4 minutes read

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Your joints are responsible for connecting your bones to one another. This means that your joints work as a hinge for your bones, giving them the ability to bend and move in many different directions. Without joints, our bodies would become inflexible and stiff.

While there are joints located all over the skeleton, they are classified into three different categories: Immovable or fibrous, partially movable or cartilaginous and freely movable or synovial joints.

Immovable fibrous joints are located between the edges of the bony plates that can be found on the dome of the skull. These joints work to protect the brain from injury. Cartilaginous joints are found between vertebrae and give your spine its flexibility. Lastly, synovial joints are found at the hip, shoulder, knees, wrists and ankles, and they work to provide free motion for these areas.

Joints are responsible for movement, flexibility, and protection all over your body. Because joints play a large role in your daily movements and activity, these areas are also prone to injury and disease. Arthritis causes inflammation and pain surrounding joints. People with arthritis often experience swelling, warmth, pain and decreased flexibility surrounding their joints.

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15 Ways to Get Pain Relief for an Arthritic Joint

Arthritis can be very debilitating for those that are constantly on the move. Because there is no cure for arthritis, there are only treatment options available. Here are 15 things that can make an arthritic joint feel better:

1. Lose some weight. Being overweight tends to put extra stress and strain on your joints. One treatment option would be to get on a healthy workout and meal plan in order to reduce this stress.

2. Use ice. Try icing your joints for 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off up to 2-3 times per day. This will help reduce swelling.

3. Give your joints a break. If you are constantly on the move, try slowing down a bit and take time to rest throughout the day.

4. Get moving. It may sound counterintuitive considering the previous recommendation, but for those couch potatoes and office junkies, don't forget to get up and move throughout the day. Sitting around all day will make your joints stiff and restrict blood flow to these areas.

5. Stand straight. Try practicing good posture throughout the day. Straightening your spine and sitting correctly could reduce the strain on these joints.

6. Get a massage. Inflamed, sore joints respond well to massage. This will help increase circulation and relax your muscles and joints.

7. Change up your routine. Try different exercises in order to give your joints a break. Forget your running routine this week and hop in the pool! Swimming and biking can be exercises for those affected by arthritis.

8. Take time for weight-bearing activities. Switching up your cardio can be a great way to reduce pain in your joints, but don't forget to perform low impact, manageable weight lifting exercises as well.

9. Don't underestimate the benefits of a good stretch. Stretching could also help your joints become more flexible and less painful. Allowing your body to relax and stretch out could be the easiest way to reduce your joint pain.

10. Focus on your diet and nutrition. Your diet is extremely important for treating arthritis pain. Try adding a new supplement like glucosamine. This helps keep your joint cartilage healthy and strong.

11. Remember anti-inflammatory medications. You may want to consider adding over-the-counter and prescription anti-inflammatory medications to your pillbox. Taking these medications will help reduce inflammation and pain throughout the day, especially when using on an intermittent basis.

12. Consider medical interventions. With these medications, you might consider medications that could be injected directly into the affected area like cortisone. These injections provide strong anti-inflammatory pain relief for 3-6 months. Also, you could try hyaluronic acid injections that are able to provide relief for up to one year.

13. Try wrapping or bracing the affected area. This can help support your joints during painful daily activities, while also reducing swelling.

14. See a Physical Therapist. Physical therapy is always a possibility for those looking for pain relief for aching joints.

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15. Explore surgery as an option. After these treatment options have failed, having joint replacement surgery could be the next option for severe arthritic cases.

Don't let arthiritis keep you from participating in your favorite activities and living the life you love. There are always treatment options available to help reduce the stress and inflammation on your joints. Some treatment options may be more successful than others, so stay positive as you explore different pain relief options for arthritic joints.