Body Language Mastery - 4 minutes read

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A part of ever human beings perception lies in their ability to read body language. Although we use our sense of sight, smell and touch to a great degree we also rely on subtle clues that are mostly registered unconsciously. How would you like to consciously be able to read another person's non-verbal clues and also develop your own? Would you like to be an expert at body language flirting?

How often have you met someone that you naturally "warmed" to? Have you ever been in someone's company who sent shivers up your spine or you took an instant dislike to without having any apparent reason? Have you ever suspected someone of lying because they delivered their speech in a way that seemed unconvincing? Have you ever seen someone who you were immediately attracted to because of the way they moved or talked rather than on their looks or what they were saying? This is body language flirting at work. Click Here for more information on Body Language Mastery

Every human being reads the non-verbal clues of others. We unconsciously view others by matching their speech and what they are doing to their body language.

Males sometimes find it hard to read non-verbal clues in others. Men are very much ruled by their heads and are less in touch with their emotional sides. As women are ruled by emotions they are more aware of emotional signs which are usually portrayed through our body language.

All of us, even if we are completely unaware of it, give off signals that are clues to how we are thinking and what our intentions are. The body language of a man or woman can tell you countless things about them if you know how to read it. Every uses body language flirting to some extent even if they do not know they are doing it.

Females are notoriously good at judging a man's intentions. They usually achieve this through looking at his body language flirting and comparing it to what he is saying. Men find this much more difficult. Body language flirting, and any form of non-verbal communication, is driven by your current mind-set. Your mind-set is determined by how you are think and what you are feeling.

It is possible to learn how to use your body to portray anything you want - especially for body language flirting. There are courses available that can teach you the correct posture, hand gestures tonality of voice and so on. These courses use a forced approach to body language flirting and can be hard to master.

However, there is an easier and faster way. There is a way that can allow you to read and portray the best body language flirting techniques without much work on your part. As body language flirting is driven by how you are thinking and feeling all you have to do is control these two things. Doing this will allow your body language flirting to be natural and, thus, much more powerful and attractive. This is much easier than you may think!

You can achieve this by creating certain emotions in yourself by thinking certain thoughts. This can be extremely pleasurable as well as productive.

Body language flirting can be controlled through a simple process of mental imagery which is better known as visualization. By imagining yourself as being confident and at ease around attractive people you can create positive natural responses in your body.

Imagine now that you are confident, charming and attractive to potentials mates. See yourself in your mind's eye as interacting with people in a way that oozes charisma.

Can you imagine what that would feel like? After several minutes of doing this mental exercise imagine that you are actually stepping into that "other" you. Feel how good it feels to be that new you and enjoy those feelings. This is training your body to be confident and body language flirting will become natural.

If you would like to learn more about body language Click Here for more information on Body Language Mastery