Life Lessons that can be learnt from Little gurus | Evonezus - 3 minutes read

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Forget about all modern Life Coaches and the branded Wellness Seminars, etc. All you wish to understand about Life’s most vital Lessons can be learned from little gurus who do nothing but Eat, Sleep and Play for a Living. From Multi-tasking Challenges to checking our egos at the doorstep, no one else can teach us humbly than Babies.


As adults, we are self-conditioned ourselves to think that we’ve to be clean all the time. But spend sometime with our little gurus (babies) and pretty soon you will have some stains on your shoulders and each other kind of stain you can imagine elsewhere. That’s why we have washing machines. It’s okay to get dirty here and there.


Always make sure that you are being yourself. In this busy schedule we forget ourselves and trying to be someone else. But when you see our little gurus (babies) they always be themselves because they don’t know to act. As a adult learn to be yourself.


As a adult we always work for our future. But have you seen the little gurus they always live the moment. Learn from them to live and enjoy the present moment. Past is history and future is a mystery only the present is what we have in hand.


Have you ever? woke up in the morning without looking into the phone for schedules or clocks for the time. As I know everyone of our answer is no because we working in busy pre-planned world where everything we do is scheduled by someone. But have you seen our little friends they will always woke up in the morning with a smile and that would make us pleasant. So, try to start a day with a smile.


As a adult or a grown up we always do what we have already learnt but in your lifetime have to tried learning new things. If yes, then you are a genius but we are afraid to learn or try something new in our life. But the babies they always learn something new every day like sometimes they learn to walk, sometimes they run before they walk. Try to learn that from our little gurus.


In the end, It is as I said before never miss the child in you. Try to learn something from the little gurus they teach us the real meaning of life than any others in this world. learning never ends. The real learning starts from the childhood till the last day of our breath.