Diabetes Offer: Berberine Supplement - 2 minutes read


The Story behind Insulin Herb

(Why a Blood Sugar Offer?)

Hey there, Joel here.

And thank you for your interest in promoting Insulin Herb.

Although this is our company’s first health offer, we are not new to direct response marketing.

In fact, we have 5 converting offers (both public and private) in the Personal Development space.

And those offers have been responsible for over 10 million dollars of sales.

So why a blood sugar offer? Well, my Mom was diagnosed as prediabetic just a year ago. And despite following the doctor’s advice to the tee (dieting and exercising), her blood sugar went up instead of normalizing. Concerned she might become diabetic, my Mom decided to cut out 90% of her carbs. This meant giving up her favorite noodles and rice. Another 3 months went by and her blood sugar was as high. That was when I discovered Insulin Herb. It didn’t sound credible. But after reading clinical study after clinical study on it’s effectiveness, we decided to give it a try.

My Mom was highly skeptical and cautious at the beginning. Instead of taking the clinical dosage of 3 capsules a day, she took just 1 capsule a day. Yet surprisingly at her next doctor visit, her A1C went from 6.7 to 6.2. In layman’s terms, she went from diabetic to prediabetic - with no changes to her eating and exercise routine.

That incident convinced her to take Insulin Herb according to clinical dosages. And today my mom has completely reversed her prediabetes and continues to take 1 capsule a day to balance her blood sugar.

Our experience with Insulin Herb has convinced us there’s a better way to manage blood sugar. This version of the Insulin Herb you see on this page today is an improved formula (the formula has been revised 4 times) using some of the best ingredients and a trustworthy manufacturer.

And very recently, we have also onboarded Doctor Okoye to further improve the quality and credibility of the product, with the goal of making this product more easily accessible to the public. We have tested the offer successfully on Facebook and email traffic - and today we make this private offer PUBLIC to Digistore affiliates for the first time. See More oficial website http://bit.ly/3o6hE48