PHILOSOPHER - 3 minutes read

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PhilosopherWhat is philosophy? Well philo- Greek means love and -sophy means wisdom. So philosophy basically means the love of wisdom Philosophy is a way of deep thinking about our world, the universe, and our society and our ninth century Muslim, brother Abu Nasr Al Farabi was one of the greatest philosophers of the past and is known as the first teacher in the eastern world Because of his great knowledge. In the Western world, he is given the title of the second teacher after the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle Even though Aristotle is called the first teacher, most people agree that Aristotle was actually not that great of a philosopher and Most of his ideas were wrong and our Muslim brotherAl Farabi Pointed out a lot of his ideas' weaknesses in his book Medina al-Fadila which translates to the Virtuous City.

In this book, Al-Farabi also pointed out a lot of weaknesses of another famous Greek philosophers ideas Plato Al Farabi used the Quran and hadith in his deep thinking to prove his points. For an example, we know that Allah would send different prophets over time to rule both of the people and the kingdom During the time of Prophet Shamil (as) the bani israel Wanted a separate person to be the king instead of the Prophet. Allah accepted their request and from that point all of the prophets were to guide the people religiously and a king ruled the countryThis system continued from the prophets after Shamil (as) The Greek philosopher Plato supported this system, but this system caused a lot of problems between the kings and the prophets then finally Allah chose Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wasallam as the last prophet and the ruler of the Muslim world No separate king or ruler. In Al-Farabi's research He proved that Plato's idea was wrong.

In his deep research He also proved that to have the best Country a ruler should be very good and religious so he could get a guide from Allah (swt) As an example He showed how medina became very successful as the capital of the muslim world and how prophet muhammad (saw) governed the Muslim state with proper guidance from Allah (swt) He proved that the one and only God Allah (swt) Created the universe and created us So his way of life is the best for us in this world. In his research he brought together his theory and practices to show what the best way to rule a country is his theory is known as farabism or Alfarabism.

Al Farabi did a lot of other things throughout his lifetime like discovering the limitations of the human knowledge He also changed the theory of logic by being the first person to separate logic into two groups the idea and the proof and He did a lot more other things. His works were so great that it was translated into many Many languages and spread all over the world Al-Farabi's deep thinking or philosophy was so deep that he influenced many Many great muslim scientists and heroes to change the world Which makes him one of the greatest muslim heroes of all time Let's ask Allah Subhana, WA Ta'ala to give our brother Al Farabi the highest place in Jannah Ameen

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