A Guide to Integrated Pain Consultants- Nikesh Seth - 4 minutes read

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Chronic or any pain in your body can have devastating effects on both your body and the mind. It needs to be cured! The main goal of Dr. Nikesh Seth, as one of the best Integrated Pain Consultants, is to relieve you from the pain experienced through a combination of no medicine-dependent treatments. As per Dr. Nikesh Seth's reviews by his patients, his treatment is well-planned, consistent and research-based. Moreover, he is Double Board Certified in Anesthesiology and Pain Management and treatment and provides more than thirty different state-of-the-art pain treatment options to cure your chronic pain.

Dr. Nikesh Seth's medical team composition to cure your chronic pain.

If you keep track of Dr. Nikesh Seth's reviews published frequently, it's a known fact that patients treated by him and his team of pain specialists have experienced utmost care and attention and give them five-star reviews.

The medical team composition of pain specialists with Dr. Nikesh Seth comprises health care professionals like:

·        Physiatrists

o  Anesthesiologists

o  Internists

o  Physical therapists

o  Occupational therapists

o  Nurses

o  Psychologists and psychiatrists

o  Chiropractors

What are the different kinds of pain conditions cured by Integrated Pain Consultants?

Multiple conditions come under the purview of Integrated Pain consultants by Nikesh Seth. Let's know a few of them.

Pain Condition 1: Neck Pain

We all become slaves to mobile phones and computers, which stress our necks and can cause chronic neck pain. This pain does not stop there. It can even go to your spine and lead to physical and psychological stress. According to Dr. Nikesh Seth's reviews, his treatment plan based on integrated pain management has a cure to enable you to lead a healthy life. Book your appointment here today!

Pain Condition 2: Back Pain

Most people across the world face back pain. You can consider it one of the most common pain, but it can create havoc in your life and put you on bed rest. Nikesh Seth, along with his team of pain specialists, conducts a detailed investigation to know the root cause of your back pain and then provides a customized treatment plan that puts you on the road to recovery.

Pain Condition 3: Nerve Pain

Nerve damage can lead to different kinds of pain in your body and is difficult to live with. It would be best if you had the support and treatment plan from Integrated Pain Consultants. Dr. Nikesh Seth could include epidural steroid injections, Spinal Cord stimulation, Medication Management, Sympathetic block, and Ketamine Infusions as part of your treatment plan to cure the pain.

Pain Condition 4: Joint Pain

Arthritis is one of the main responses to give you joint pain in the hip, shoulder, and sharp pain. Your joints get inflamed, which causes pain, but as per Dr. Nikesh Seth's reviews, by patients, the treatment plan by him has enabled many with this condition to go back to their healthy lives. As part of the treatment by Integrated pain consultants, medication management, spinal cord stimulation, radiofrequency ablation, and radiofrequency ablation joint injections are some of the kinds of treatments that could be implemented at the Integrated Pain Consultant in Arizona for your joint pain.

Let us know about some of the treatment options by Integrated pain consultants-Nikesh Seth.

·   Chiropractic Care

The chiropractic care treatment provided by Integrated Pain Consultants is effective on conditions that affect your nervous and musculoskeletal systems. You could be suggested this treatment for providing you relief from muscle pain, lower back pain, neck pain, and even headaches. It's a non-invasive approach and effective, as per Dr. Nikesh Seth's reviews by his patients.

·   Arp Wave Therapy

Accelerated Recovery Performance (ARP) Wave therapy uses a specialized device to locate the origin of your pain or injury. It reduces the pain sensations and aims to address the cause of the pain and not just the actual physical symptoms.


·        Physical therapy

Physical therapy by Integrated Pain consultants comprises exercises to cure your chronic pain. However, the exercises are different for different individuals to cure your pain, as suggested by Dr. Nikesh Seth. It is a great way to cure your back pain without surgery, and it could include the following:

·   Retraining your posture

·   Testing the limits of pain tolerance

·   Stretching and flexibility exercises


It is not late yet! Get an appointment with the best Integrated Pain Consultant- Nikesh Seth, today. Click here to know more.