How to Buy Investor Leads UK - 1 minute read

Buy Investor Leads UK

Investor leads are a key audience for EIS investments. They are high net worth individuals with significant investment wealth and are active traders. They are sourced via inbound enquiries so are compliant from a regulator point of view.

The Investor Forum is a not-for-profit, practitioner-led membership organisation that helps position stewardship at the heart of investment decisions. The Forum shares stewardship insights and thought leadership through publications and a collective engagement framework.

Look for a reputable company

Investor Leads UK are a great way to reach out to investors and generate new business. These leads come from a variety of sources, including FTSE listed companies, AIM quoted companies, and investment trust shareholders. These leads are highly targeted and can help you build your business quickly. However, it is important to make sure that you choose a reputable company. This will ensure that you get the best quality Investor leads and avoid getting ripped off by scammers. To do this, make sure to look for a company that offers a high quality guarantee. Then, you can be sure that your leads are genuine and will provide a return on investment.