How can I cancel an Swiss Air flight Booking? - 2 minutes read

Traveling to a selected destination with Swiss Air is always a beneficial option as they will provide multiple top-rated services such as assistance for the disabled passenger, allowance of extra baggage, easy refund on cancelation, etc. After making the bookings, if any traveler cannot travel due to medical reasons, or other unavoidable issues, they can also cancel the bookings. If any traveler is looking to make a Swiss Air flight cancellation, but do not have information about policies or process, then you can go through the below. 


Flight cancellation policies on Swiss Air are below mention.

Having the information about the cancellation policies is essential as it will help you know whether you must pay the cancellation charges. If you are unaware of the information about Swiss Air cancelation policies, you must go through the below. 

  • You can cancel the booking within 24 hours of the reservation without paying any charges, but after that time, you need to pay the cancelation fee. 
  • The airlines will allow you to cancel the booking without taking any cancelation fee if you do it due to any medical issues, but show the medical documents. 
  • At the time of purchasing the tickets, if you apply for the insurance of the ticket, then you can cancel the booking without paying the fee. 
  • On the flight's departure date, if the airlines delay the take-off due to any technical fault or fewer staff, you can cancel the flight without charge. 
  • The flight cancelation charges will vary on the destination type; still, it is between 180 USD to 400 USD.

The process to cancel the flight on Swiss Air is below. 

Different options are available to cancel the bookings, but the easiest mode is through the website. If you want to cancel a Swiss Air flight online form, follow the points mentioned below. 

  • Navigate the website of Swiss air
  • Now choose the manage booking option and fill out the last name with the booking reference number
  • Choose the cancel booking option and then fill out the reason for cancelation
  • If you see any charges, then pay them using your card 

You will learn about flight cancelation policies and processes through the above-mentioned information. Still, you can contact Swiss Air Customer Service for more information on Swiss Air.