Biggest Benefit of Intermittent Fasting - Weight Loss or Autophagy? - 1 minute read

Biggest benefit of intermittent fasting   weight loss or autophagy 22

 What is the definition of autophagy?

Hi it's did you realize that the biggest benefit of intermittent fasting has nothing to do with weight loss, so the biggest benefit has to do with this new concept called Etapa G I don't know if you've heard about it before, but if you haven't, you're going to hear about it, but it's incredible actually Etapa G is the condition or state whereby the cells are recycling damaged cell parts.

So, it's recycling it's taking out the trash it clears all the trash out of the cell it's also getting rid of pathogenic microbes, so basically anything like mold fungus bacteria virus sitting in the cell and anything that's damaged not working, so each cell has a little garbage disposal called the lysosome composed of enzymes to break down these parts into small little particles which are then sent to the liver to be used either as energy or recycling into new tissue.

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