Create a professional Facebook profile and generate revenue - 2 minutes read

Generate revenue from facebook

Once Facebook has deemed only a social meeting place, now it has become the mainstream method for advertising your business. Today, to generate sales through Facebook ads is the fastest way to generate revenue. 

Otherwise, you have no business, now you want to make money from Facebook. No matter, only using Facebook, you might produce a huge amount of money. 

You may ask me, how?  

Facebook provides a lot of chances to make money online. Like-

  • Sharing blog post
  • Selling physical or digital products
  • Being influencer
  • Selling stuff
  • Service providing
  • Sponsorship
  • Selling affiliate products 
  • Account, page or group selling
  • And more

 For generating revenue from Facebook, you must have a Facebook account. Remember every Facebook account does not generate revenue. If you desire to return from Facebook, you must outline your account in a trained way. 

Create a professional profile  

Present yourself on Facebook with a professional look. Use a high-quality profile picture that will show a learned outlook.

Apply your real name, not any disguise name as a user name that will show on the profile. Otherwise, you might use your brand name if it is the name of your company.   


In the bio section, you must place your brand identity and make a bridge with your website inserting the website URL.

Create a Facebook page and a community 

Now monthly over 2.23 billion are active users on Facebook. And it is a great opportunity for manufacturing yourself or your business as a brand. 

For that, you have to create a page and a community where you must discuss a specific topic. Now you may think, “What will be the specific topic that generates revenue?” 

Right, you have to find out a profitable niche that will drive traffic to your page and group. As an example, the niche may be health. On your page and community, you must share health tips and tricks.  

Grow up the community and the page

For growing up, you need to follow the steps-

  1. Offer exclusive deals
  2. Run voting contests to drive traffic
  3. Run a giveaway
  4. Post content constantly varying Facebook’s terms and conditions
  5. Post relevant content
  6. Use the Follow button on your website and another social media
  7. Share informative post
  8. Engage with your target audience

I hope if you follow the steps, you definitely can boost huge traffic to your page and community. 

When you have enough followers on your community and page, you might monetize Facebook using the ways that I have discussed past in the article.