A Brief on The Body Benefits of Hot Yoga - 2 minutes read

An increasing number of people are discovering the benefits of hot yoga. No doubt, this kind of yoga practice is good for your mind and body both. Hot yoga offers all the advantages that traditional yoga has to offer but with the additional benefit of heat cranking up where your heart, lungs , and muscles go through a great workout.

Here are some of the body benefits of hot yoga that you should know:

  • Increased flexibility – When you are performing yoga in a heated and humid environment, your muscles become flexible. It is a well-known fact that stretching warm muscles are better than the cold ones. It makes sense that a hot yoga studio can make yoga poses easier and more effective.

  • You get a cardio boost – Hot yoga is popular for its unique and high intensity. In a yoga studio brimming with heat, your heart beats and pumps faster. You can push more blood towards the skin in an effort to make you feel cool. More heart-pumping means a better cardio workout than you would get doing the same yoga sequence in a traditional setting.

  • Improved muscle tone – If you want to tone down your muscles and add more definition to it, hot yoga can definitely help you. Yoga is already known for building longer, leaner muscles, adding heat and humidity into the mix can help you sweat more and target those muscles even further.

Find your best hot yoga studios in New York here.