Effective Exercises To Burn Fat and Be A Better You - 3 minutes read


The best exercises to burn fat shouldn't take you more than one hour. This might sound strange to you since whenever you think of burning fat, you think of boring, slow, time-consuming cardio exercises. However, studies have shown that they aren't the best exercises to lose weight. If you want to achieve the best fat burning results in the shortest possible time, then you must look for high intensity workouts. Thus, you need to say goodbye to the cardio and have a look at the following exercises for burning excess fat.

First, you need to keep in mind that all exercises to burn fat must involve a total body workout. Thus, you need to forget about the inner thigh exercises, concentration curls, tricep kickbacks or abs crunches. All of these are a waste of your valuable time and energy. Instead, you should choose exercises that help you burn fat by strengthening your muscles and exercises that involve various muscle groups. Total body workouts are suitable for everyone, even beginners.

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For instance, beginners can start with body weight circuits involving kneeling pushups, planks, side planks, bird dogs, stability ball leg curls and lying hip extensions. You can end the circuit with some interval exercises done through walking, cycling or jumping jacks. All the beginners' exercises to burn fat can be performed in less than half an hour. You can do these exercises on alternate days for a few weeks before starting something more difficult.

If you're more advanced but still want to do body weight exercises to burn fat, then you should go for bodybuilding squats, body weight rows, full pushups, mountain climbers and split squats.

If you're even more advanced, then you should use dumbbells for chest presses, split squats, step-ups and rows.

You can end your workout session with cross body mountain climbers- one of the most effective abs workouts, and you'll get an ideal workout to strengthen your muscles. You can also do some internal training in the end for burning more fat.

As you can see, none of the above-mentioned exercises to burn fat focus on the so-called "fat burning zone". In fact, the fat burning zone is nothing more than a myth and thus you shouldn't rely on the time-consuming cardio exercises if you want to burn fat or lose weight.

Not only should you forget about the fat burning zone but also ignore the calorie information found on most exercise machines in the gym. Studies have proven that most of these pieces of equipment overvalue the amount of calories burned in a workout session by around 30%. This is one of the biggest reasons why a large number of people have stopped relying on cardio machines.

If you are looking for the best exercises to burn fat, you should look no further than the body weight categories outlined earlier. Just do some pushing exercises, pulling exercises, squats, single-leg exercises and total body abs exercises. End your workout with interval exercise and you'll have the perfect exercise to burn body fat.

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