5 floor games your kids will love to play indoors today - 5 minutes read

Partnered post; including Amazon affiliate links

If you are stuck indoors, then sometimes it can be fun to get creative with where you are going to get stuck into your activities. We have a few ideas for you about how you can get down on that wooden floor in any room in your house and have fun with the kids! Whether it is the playroom, the dining room, or any room which allows you to spread out a little over a flat surface, like wood, or lino, then these activities and toys will help your kids have loads of fun.

It IS harder in home than it might be in the classroom in those gorgeous wooden halls, but we know you can do it. We have faith.

Grab the flash cards

Alphabet flash cards

This sounds like a bit of a mad idea – right – BUT bear with me, and take a look at this fantastic idea from Filth Wizardry. This combines gross motor skills, and literacy to create a fun and active game for your kids. You can print out our flash cards – combine them with the alphabet poster (perhaps), or make your own matching alphabet, and you are there! A brilliant idea, and well worth having a go at on your floor!

We do also have phonic alphabet cards, which might also be suitable for you too.

Get out the masking tape

You will be amazed at how easy it is to keep the kids entertained for quite a while using masking tape and a wooden floor! You can make a maze for them either to find their own way out, or even better use it as a course for them to gently hit a marble though, or dribble a ball.

If you can get creative with different colours of tape – you can even create a wonderful follow the line game!

We all love our solid wood flooring, but frankly, we love our sanity more, and so if you are careful to use tape that doesn’t leave a sticky residue on your floor – for us, it IS worth it!

Go big and creative with colouring

We obviously LOVE colouring here on KiddyCharts, and actively encourage children and adults to use it to be mindful. It IS a great activity to do on the floor as well; spread your pens far and wide and get stuck in!

Have you thought about doing something a little BIGGER and even more CREATIVE though? We have worked with Hattifant, a fabulous illustrator, a few times, and she has produced this amazing mandala carpet poster.

What more could you ask for when you get down to playing on the floor with your children than something this beautiful and creative. This is a paid for product, but we think for the hours of enjoyment, it is well worth giving it a go with the kids.

Make a race track or train line

There is NOTHING like a fantastic racetrack, or train set to spark the kids imagination – so why not take a look and see if there are any toys out there that sparks your kids’ imagination.

For us, Scalextric has been our go to for floor play for years; it worked for us, and it works just as well for our kids. We hope that it can work for yours too.

There are other options too of course, and if you are feeling REALLY creative, you could potentially make your own tracks “strips” from paper and get the kids to use their ordinary toy cars on them once they have built their tracks. It doesn’t all have to be about having the right toys; you can have a go at making your own.

You could combine the toys, with the masking tape idea as well – and make your own race track or train line too 😀

Believe it or not, you can also get road tape on Amazon as well, so why not use that too, if you don’t fancy making your own?

Jigsaw anyone?

Finally, there is nothing quite like a jigsaw to keep the kids entertained for a bit, the older the child, the longer the entertainment might last potentially, particularly if you are feeling like challenging your kids hard with a 500 or 1000 piece jigsaw.

Smaller children still love a jigsaw, and they are wonderful for pattern recognition, problem solving, and motor skills; as well as peace and quiet?!?

If you are looking for something. a little different, we do also have a US state jigsaw, and a UK county jigsaw too, so why not have a go at these on your floors?!

We hope you like these ideas for helping your kids to play on the floor when you are indoors. If you do, then why don’t you sign up to our newsletter for more great kids activity and printable ideas?

We would love to see you again soon.

Take care,
