How to Stop Dog Barking at Night - 5 minutes read

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One of the very difficult tasks of any dog owners is how to stop dog barking at night. Barking is very annoying and distracting enough to prevent you from fall to sleep.

The most significant factor it doesn’t stop barking, because your dog doesn’t pay attention to you. Learn to teach your dog to pay attention to you and be the most obedient pet of your dream.

This is featured as most common complaints of local authority in most cities of the world.

This noisy behavior is not welcomed by anyone who lives within the hearing distance, so that here I am trying to explain why they bark at night and early morning and how to stop it.

Why Is Your Dog Barking at Night?

They are several reasons which play a major role in barking at night and listed below:-

  • Boredom – due to a shortage of physical or mental stimulation, exercise or company.
  • Due to isolation stress-being anxious when separated from family members.           
  • Illness / pain-if it is injured or in a painful condition due to sickness.
  • Alarm for perceived intruder-it barks if he sees people or other animals within or approaching its territories, it can be any passerby around its home.
  • Physical needs – (hungry or thirsty).
  • Fear-due to loud noises, fireworks, thunder.
  • If it is inside a crate.
  • Old age / dementia.
  • Seeking attention.

But for the majority of them, the problem could be simply one of the following:

  1. Some you allow it to sleep in the bed, but you take that right from him
  2. Adopted new puppy and it has not yet learned to sleep through the night alone
  3. If you’ve responded to soothe his barking by going to him and rewarded him in the form of petting him or freed from his space.

Out of the above reasons, it’s # that gets most pups. When you respond to your dog to quite or soothe them when they bark at night, you are already teaching them that barking and whining brings you running. And once they have learned that lesson, it’s very difficult to forget.

Adrienne takes a look at why dogs bark at night and in the early morning, and what to do if your dog won’t stop barking at night.

“You can check out Adrienne’s popular dog training program here.”

How to Stop a Dog from Barking At Night

Firstly, you have to identify the type of bark your dog is expressing. Always try to ask yourself these simple questions which can help you to decide why your dog is barking.

  • Where and when does the barking occur?
  • Who or what is the cause of the barking?
  • What things (objects, sounds, animals or people) initiate the barking?

It depends upon why your dog is barking, to apply these six tips which help to control your dog’s bad behavior. All of these techniques can be very effective, but keep in mind you shouldn’t expect miraculous results overnight.

These training tips require you to have an idea as to why it barks.

Always remember to keep these tips in your mind while training:

  • When he barks, don’t yell at him to be quite-it just sounds like you’re rewarding him your attention.
  • Training sessions must be positive and upbeat
  • Consistency is the key, so don’t confuse your dog.

The whole family must apply the training methods every time it barks inappropriately. You can’t let your dog get away with inappropriate barking sometimes and not others.

Remove the motivation

Your dog barks to get some kind of reward. Otherwise, it wouldn’t do it. So your job is to configure what motivates him for such behavior and remove it. Don’t give him the opportunity to continue the noisy behavior.

Keep your dog tired

Another way to discourage night barking is to exercise your dog before bedtime. A good game of fetch or a long walk can help tire him out and make him less interested in barking at the moon.

Ask your dog for an incompatible behavior

At the time your dog start barking, command them to do something different that doesn’t relate to its barking.

Example: Someone at the door

  • Toss a treat on its bed and order it to “go to your bed.’
  • If it goes to its bed to earn a treat, up the ante by opening the door while it’s on his bed. If it gets up, shut the door immediately.
  • Repeat the process until it stays in his bed while the door is open.
  • Gradually increase the difficulty, by having someone ring the doorbell while it’s in bed. Give him a treat if it stays in place.

Desensitize your dog to the stimulus

From time to time try to find the cause that initiates your dog barking. Begin with the stimulus (the thing that invites them to bark) by keeping are a little bit far of him. Assure that you are far enough away so that, he doesn’t bark when he see it.

Reward your dog lots of good treats. Then move the stimulus a little bit nearer (as little as a few feet or inches to start) and feed it a lots of treats.

When the stimulus disappears, stop giving your dog treats, because the point here is that your dog should learn that the appearance of the stimulus leads to good things (treats)!

6. Ask for help from a certified dog trainer

If all the above tips do not work with you and still your dog is barking reactively to strangers, family members or other dogs, then it is a time to consider a help from a certified professional dog trainer or legit dog training software.

Adrienne takes a look at why dogs bark at night and in the early morning, and what to do if your dog won’t stop barking at night.

“You can check out Adrienne’s popular dog training program here.”