These Methods changed my life#loss weight. - 4 minutes read

Hello there my name is Chris Zeatmen and i like to share my knowledge and experience i have on how i got to lose weight fast within 2 weeks or less. Before that i would like to invite you to check these Free Ebooks that changed my life and helped a lot in losing weight. If you want more help and knowledge on how you lose weight simply comment on my answers or check out my profile that will also direct you to the Free Ebooks.

So here are a number of ways you can start using it if you want to lose weight fast.

1. More Fruits, More Veggies, More Fat Loss Power!

Got a sweet tooth? Eat more fruit

Grab an apple,orange or a mango instead of reaching for a sugery snack.This will satisfy your urge for sweets and give you the essential vitamins and minerals you need to power through your day and help you lose weight fast. At meals fill up on raw or steamed vegetables. Remember to think organic! (if you can afford it). Aside from being low calorie most veggies are a great natural source of fibre which will help you lose weight fast naturally by keeping you regular.

2. Forget about the super-sized Pepsi!

I know it tastes good and all but what your body really needs is water.

   Aside from all the empty calories, alcoholic and soft drinks (with caffeine) will actually drain your body of the water it needs to function properly. Just drink plain water. Don't be fooled into thinking that just because a beverage contains 99% water, that it is just as good as water. It is not!

Plus, drinking ice water can actually help you to burn fat! Make sure you drink at least 2 litres a day this will flush your system of impurities. Tired of drinking just water? Try green tea! Green tea contains some powerful antioxidants which keep you healthy which is important if you want to lose weight fast, naturally,

3. More Whole Grains Less Processed Foods

   Have you looked at the list of ingredients for most commercially prepared foods? You don't need all those preservatives, artificial colours and added sugar. Also the fat and sodium levels are usually off the chart!

To burn fat and lose weight successfully you need to have a steady supply of good carbohydrates like potatoes,brown rice and oats, to name a just a few.

4. There are Good Fats and There are Bad Fats

   Saturated and trans-fats should be avoided as much as possible. You can boost your immune system by eating foods that contain omega fatty acids, things like olive oil and fresh fish ( You can boost your immune system by eating foods that contain omega fatty acids, things like olive oil and fresh fish (also good for hair and nails!).

Avoid the farmed fish if you can.

5. Pay Attention To Your Meals!

   A recent study showed that roughly 73% of North Americans regularly eat their meals in front of the television. Have you done that recently? Have you ever been so absorbed in a TV program that you were surprised that your plate was already empty? Me,too!

If you are serious about losing weight:

   Turn off the boob tube

   Take your time and eat slowly. When your belly is full there is actually a delay of a few minutes before your brain gets the message. That's why many people over-indulge on the holidays and end up like bloated whales on the sofa gripping their swollen bellies!

   Chew your food 32 times before swallowing (this gives your saliva time to do it's magic and properly prepare the food for speedy digestion)

So, if you reduce your portions,get plenty of fibre,fruits and vegetables and lean protein in addition to drinking plenty of water you will find the weight will be melting off you.

   Of course, a proper diet is only half of the equation in losing weight quickly.A regular exercise regimen can help you lose weight fast naturally in the shortest amount of time. This is what helped me to lose 50 pounds and get a flat stomach.

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