Four Important Steps in Website Optimization | Optimization for Search Engines - 5 minutes read

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There is some ambiguity surrounding search engine optimization. Some individuals believe that SEO (short for search engine optimization) is nothing more than deceiving search engines into giving a site a high rating. Others believe that search engine optimization is so complicated that they will never be able to grasp it. Neither of these points of view is correct. The art and science of creating web pages that are both search engine and user friendly is best defined as search engine optimization. When it comes to optimizing your web pages, there are four essential principles to follow.

1. Text should take precedence over images in your website design.

Search engines should be able to identify material on your site that they can use in their databases if it is "search engine friendly." While a picture is worth a thousand words, a search engine tries to categorize pages based on text rather than visuals. If your home page has a gorgeous image of the sea and simply two words of content that say "enter here," it will not score well in searches for Florida vacations. A headline with significant text containing your site's keywords, for example, should not be displayed as a gif or jpeg image.All-flash or all-image pages aren't search engine friendly, and they're typically not user friendly, either.

2. Search engines should be able to find links to your internal pages easily.

It's crucial to remember that the search engine index should include not only your main page, but all of your internal sites as well. While the majority of visitors will arrive at your site via the front page, many will arrive after conducting searches that lead them to your internal sites. Text links to your inner pages are the greatest strategy to ensure that search engines find and index these sites. If your navigation system relies on Java script or graphics, it's best to include a text link navigation bar at the bottom of the page so that the robot can follow the connections to your internal sites.

3. You should construct your pages around specific keywords or keyword phrases.

Human users and robotic search engines have one thing in common: they're both trying to find out what your site or specific web page is about. With only one web page, it is impossible to achieve high ranks for thirty different search phrases. It is possible, however, to create separate web pages that describe and prioritize different parts of your organization's activities. These subpages can be optimized to rank high in search results for your particular keywords.

4. Your keywords should show in strategic areas of your web pages once your material has been sorted.

These words should occur in the following places on your html pages if your site is about Florida Vacations:

a. In the name of the file or the URL.

If your website's domain name is, you'll have an advantage in any searches for this term. Similarly, if your business is called XYZ Travels, you might have a website at

A search engine considers the url or file name to be an essential indicator, so don't overlook the opportunity to include your key term in your main domain name or in your file names.

b. In the tag for the title

Your title tag is the text that appears in the blue line at the top of your browser. The title tag is found in the document's section. If your key term is "Florida Vacations," your HTML document's title tag should look something like this: Florida Vacations: XYZ Travel's Florida Vacation Information

c. In the Description tag

Although the description tag is not visible on the web page, it is frequently shown as text by search engines, giving the searcher an idea of what your page is about. The description tag should be interesting and contain the keywords from your url and title tag, as well as the keywords from your url and title tag. This site's description tag might look like this:

d. In the headlines

A search engine robot looks at the headlines of a web page to pick up the crucial element of that page, just like someone reading a newspaper looks at the headlines to figure out what's significant. Make a headline using your primary phrase and place it near the top of the page. Special header tags, such as,, should be used to surround your headline text. The following is an example of a headline tag for our hypothetical page: Florida Vacations: Save Money on Accommodations, Entertainment, and Transportation by Planning Your Trip Now.

If you don't like the look of the h1 tag, use a smaller tag, such as h2 or h3, or change your website's design.

's style sheet to make the h1 tag appear in a smaller font that better suits your body text.

e. In the body of your page's text

Your essential keywords or key phrase should appear in the initial paragraph of content, throughout the text, and at the end of the page in a natural manner. In traditional writing, you would begin by introducing your subject, then describe what it is about, and finally summarize. When you're ready to start writing your web page, follow the same steps. The density and distribution of keywords on pages written in this manner will be right by default.

f. In your page's anchor text

The clickable element of your website's links is called anchor text. Let's say you're writing about your Florida vacations and you want to send your readers to an internal page with extra information. Instead of saying "click here," make a link that says "Click here for more information on Florida Vacations" or even better, just say "Florida Vacations" and the "click here" will be rendered as normal text.

If you follow these search-engine-optimization methods when creating your website, you'll end up with web pages that are easy to understand for your visitors and search engines to classify and index.

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