Detox to loose weight - 3 minutes read

Many of us are trapped in cities, living a stressed-out life. What poisoning our systems? Some of us are growing concerned about these imbalances in our bodies and seek out cures. Some of us simply want to dissolve body fat fast - as quickly as possible

Your body absorbs toxins on a daily basis. Things you eat, drink, and even the air you breathe introduce toxins in your body. These toxins are stored in your liver and are circulated throughout your body. The toxins build up in your body and your body tries to get rid of them 24hours a day, seven days a week. Even though your body does get rid of some of the toxins, it struggles to get rid of all of them because you are constantly taking in more toxins without even knowing it. They can also make you feel sluggish and even make you sick.

The “get everything from the diet” routine just doesn’t work in the modern world for the following reasons.

·        Even an optimal selection of foods does not give us enough anti-oxidants to defend ourselves against exposure to toxic gases from cigarette smoke, smog and alcohol

·        The average person is exposed to more than 500 chemicals in the home environment and 700 chemicals in drinking water that are to known to deplete many nutrients

·        Only about 9% of the population eats the recommended five servings of vitamins rich fruit and vegetables

·        Since our diet consists of refined foods it increases our consumption of nutrients depleted foods.

·        Degenerative diseases is caused by multiple nutrient deficiencies

·        Dieting increases free radical production and optimal levels of anti oxidants are needed to reduce the damage to the organs.

·        Prescription and over the counter medications can deplete the nutrients and create deficiencies

The basis to detox your body is living and eating healthy also known as cleansing and refreshing. Refreshing refers to the process of restoring the electrolytes and other nutrients your body loses during the cleansing process.

It is said that “You are what you eat.” Which means to be what you want, you have to know what you eat. Hence we have to adopt the principles of healthy eating. What are they?

1.     Eat whole, unrefined foods high in fibers and as close to the natural state as possible.

2.     Eat as wide a variety of foods as possible.

3.     Eat a diet that promoted longevity in your ancestors.

4.     Eat according to the needs of your own unique biochemistry and life style.

Eating healthy refers to eating organic, nutrient-dense, and minimally processed foods. You should eat less animal protein and eat more alkaline with fresh vegetables. Eliminate alcohol, sugar, processed foods, sodas, and trans fat. All of these items put harmful waste in your body.

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Exercise is also another important part. This helps with your circulation and breathing. It will also help your skin to sweat and stretch. Exercising will also help with weight loss.