Grandma’s Subtle Secrets For A Long-Lasting Relationship - 7 minutes read


It doesn’t matter if the relationship you wanted is over. It doesn’t matter if the other person seems to have moved on. It doesn’t matter if you are 25 or 85 because these tips can help anyone at any age and stage of a relationship. It can even create new sparks in a relationship that has been flatlining for years and could really use an injection of sparks.

The best part is that this is not a game. It’s not a manipulation kit. It’s an opportunity to learn how men think when they are thinking it, and changing your approach so that their thinking about you changes their feelings and actions. They end up thinking that it’s their idea to date you, their idea to chase you and romance you, and their idea to claim you and adore you for life.

Who doesn’t want that? It’s really actually very simple. You will be pleasantly surprised to learn what Grandma Violet’s video has to teach you. Just watch the video and find out for yourself. There’s so much exciting and valuable information in the video itself that it’s worth the ten minutes of your time just to watch it.

It is a story about the advice a grandmother gives her granddaughter. The grandmother is in her ’80’s but has a few suitors chasing her. The granddaughter is in her late thirties/early forties, and feels as though she will die alone and be miserable and unlucky in love her whole life. While the granddaughter may seem to be a little overdramatic, it does reveal a fear that nearly every adult at some point in their lives feels.

If you are single and wondering why maybe you need to know the secrets this grandmother in the video shares. It helps to understand why your relationships with men fail, and how to make those relationships succeed when you most want them to.

Key takeaways from the video…

1. You can find Someone to spend the rest of your life with, if you know exactly how to go about it.

Grandma spent six decades living with a man that worships her. It is absolutely possible to find a love like that, but you have to know how to do it.

2. The reasons why men leave a relationship rather than stay.

Men seem so fickle. In this video you’ll learn that having to contend with the easy access to dozens of women and dates has a lot to do with why someone you really liked or loved called it quits before things even had a chance to grow and develop.

3. Changing your behavior in the littlest of ways completely changes a man’s mindset about you.

You can’t “put yourself out there.” You can’t be readily available whenever he wants. Remember, men used to be “hunters.” They chase the prize, and they get hungrier the more they chase.

Women who are available are “the easy snack” or “meal” to tide them over until something better comes along. Grandma teaches you how to change your behavior to change your intended love’s mindset about you.

4. How to get him to think that you are a prize and that he is losing everything if he doesn’t pursue and choose you.

Women think that this approach is too difficult to do. A guy will lose interest if you “play too hard to get.” That’s not what this is about. The specific techniques in this video are not “playing hard to get.” They are gently teasing out the real desire of a man’s heart. You will learn the differences when you make him think he needs to pursue you or lose you.

5. How to get him to pursue you relentlessly.

Some women seem to have dozens of men climbing over each other to get to the women that are driving them crazy. What’s their secret? Grandma in this video shares that secret with her granddaughter and with you the viewer.

6. Why you can’t guilt a guy into being with you or staying with you.

So many women spend time trying to manipulate men into staying with them. This doesn’t work. It never works. What does work is ignoring a man when he calls or letting him know that you don’t have time for him. It drives him crazy and makes him want you more.

It may seem like manipulation, but it isn’t because you go about your life as though he isn’t in it anyway. Since he left you, you should live your life as though he didn’t matter and doesn’t matter. Nothing will draw him back faster, if you really want him back.

7. Not sticking around with the phone glued to your ear or hand.

Women who have loved and lost make the mistake of staying home, moping, and sticking so close to their phones for any message or sign from the former love that they lose out on everything else. This is not healthy. Grandma tells you what you should be doing instead.

8. Learning exactly when you should respond to his texts, calls, and messages to see you.

Grandma has tips on how long you have to wait before you finally accept an invitation to see the man that decided he couldn’t be with you. This part of the video is the most crucial to watch, and you should not miss it. It could be the one bit of information that changes the course of your romantic life indefinitely.

9. Learning that dating more than one man at a time is a boost to your ego when you need it most.

Women isolate when they are wounded after a breakup. Their self-esteem takes such a huge hit because they were so emotionally involved. Grandma’s little secrets teach you how to not be so emotionally involved when you date more than one man so that you can enjoy the attention of more than one man at a time.

10. Learn simple body language movements that get men interested.

Grandma has a lifetime of knowledge about how men think and react to the simplest movements women make. These little bits of body language are enough to get any guy to follow you around like a puppy. Use these movements selectively, or at random to see what they can do for you.

11. How to change a man’s feelings of lust to love, and bring out his desire to protect you rather than leave you.

Men lust first and love later if they are moved to do so. They do have an instinctual desire to protect women they love, but if they do not love them they are not easily moved to protect. Grandma’s video talks about how you can get a man to love you first, and bypass the lust, and then want badly to protect you.

This is the moment where a guy will bend over backward and leap over giant walls to save you if you are in danger. That’s the kind of romance most women wait their whole lives for and never find because they don’t know Grandma Violet’s subtle secrets.

Click here to watch Grandma’s Subtle Secrets video now. It is worth your time, guaranteed. If you want to know more about Grandma Violet’s subtle secrets, there is a handbook and some other materials to get you to learn what her granddaughter learned and achieve the deep and loving relationship you want most.