Type 2 Diabetes - Will a Low-Fat Diet Give More Fat Loss to Adolescents Than a Low-Carb Diet? - 1 minute read


And it's not just the United States. The rest of the world is keeping pace pound for pound. As a species, we are getting steadily fatter, day by day, year by year. This is not just a question of vanity. Along with weight gain comes the increased risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease--not to mention all of those things you don't even think about, such as an increased risk of injury on the job.

What are we to do?

The media reports on all kinds of studies designed to help. Not!

There are studies that rank the various diets ( Volumetric is number one according to Consumer Reports) followed by studies that prove that no diet works. (Those studies say it's healthier to just get slowly fatter and not diet at all.) And then there are the studies that say it's not your fault because.

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