Web to Lead Salesforce - 4 minutes read

Web to Lead Salesforce

Web to lead is a Salesforce standard feature that allows you to insert leads from website forms into your Salesforce installation. It saves your sales team time and allows them to organize leads automatically.

It also enables you to capture the source of the lead and associate it with a specific campaign. This can be really useful for marketers.

Create a form

Salesforce web-to-lead is a built-in feature that allows you to create forms that capture data from your website visitors and store it as new lead records in Salesforce. This is a great way for sales and marketing teams to contact interested website visitors, plan targeted marketing campaigns, and convert them into customers.

You can use this feature to add fields to your form that collect information from your website visitors, including names, email addresses, and product interests. Once the form is submitted, a lead record is created in Salesforce with the lead source “web”.

To set up this feature, you need to select the required fields and specify a return URL that you want to display after your form has been completed. In addition, you need to include reCAPTCHA in your HTML code, so that users must enter a valid key pair before they can complete the form.

Once you've configured your form, you can push the data to Salesforce using an Act-On Form. To do so, follow these steps.

Customize the form

The Salesforce web-to-lead feature allows you to create a form that integrates directly with your website, captures contact information from visitors, and then inserts these leads into Salesforce. These forms are easy to build and are ideal for marketing teams and sales representatives to use for prospecting.

When creating the Web to Lead form, you can choose which fields you want to include. You can also customize the look and feel of your form, using CSS and HTML.

You can add or remove fields, reorder them, and change the order of the drop-down menus. You can also specify the return URL and language to display on your form.

You can also edit the form HTML and provide it to your company’s webmaster to integrate on your website. Ultimately, the Web to lead form is an essential part of any marketing or sales team’s workflow and can increase conversion rates by capturing leads. It is important to customize the form properly to ensure the best experience for your visitors and to maximize lead capture.

Capture the lead

Web to lead Salesforce allows you to capture information about visitors to your website and save it as a new Salesforce lead record. This can be very helpful for sales and marketing teams who want to contact interested website visitors and plan targeted marketing campaigns.

Often when a new inquiry comes in via your website, the first thing that salespeople do is assign it to someone in their team. This might be an inside salesperson, a telemarketer, or a marketing employee.

However, it's important to note that this isn't always the best way to deal with a new inquiry. In fact, it can be a waste of time and resources if you're not able to respond quickly.

If you're using the Web to lead, it's a good idea to set up criteria-based lead assignment rules in Salesforce to ensure the right leads are assigned. This can help you manage your Salesforce database more effectively and increase your conversion rates.

Push the lead to Salesforce

Web to lead is a marketing technique that enables companies to convert their website visitors into leads. These leads are then pushed to Salesforce so that the sales team can follow up on them and qualify them.

The process is fairly straightforward and can be set up in less than 5 minutes. Moreover, you can simply POST the data to your partner's org via HTTP instead of using a custom API or OAuth!

During the integration process, you'll need to configure the fields you want to sync from Amplemarket to lead Salesforce. This can be done in the Amplemarket Settings page, which is accessible from the Amplemarket dashboard or from the Account Settings menu.

After selecting the fields, you'll need to decide when you want Amplemarket to push the Lead or Contact to Salesforce. It's best to choose the option that creates a new Contact or Lead whenever a new record is created.