Ping Pong Diplomacy 50th Anniversary Gala - 1 minute read

(by: Bowmar Sports Team)

The 50th Anniversary Ping Pong Diplomacy Gala was held at the Embassy Suites Hotel on December 4th in Cary, North Carolina.

Connie and Dell Sweeris, members of the original 1971 and 1972 Ping Pong Diplomacy team, attended the Gala and spoke about Connie’s trip to China as well as the friendship matches with the opposing team when they visited the USA the following year. After the opening ceremonies, Connie and Dell entertained the crowd, playing exhibition matches with Diana Gee and Tong Fei-Ming.

Bowie Martin Senior and Bowie Martin Junior attended the gala as a show of support from Bowmar Sports Inc, the only company that distributes the Butterfly brand in the Americas.

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Source: Butterfly Online | Butterfly Table Tennis