Natural Way To Whiten Teeth - 5 minutes read

Teeth stain white

Many people claim that their teeth are white and bright after regular oil extraction. Scientific studies have shown, however, that oil pulling does nothing to whiten teeth. Many herbs can be beneficial for your health, but do not whiten your teeth. Oil Pulling is an Ayurvedic practice of spraying oil on your teeth and mouth.   


During the oil pulling, oil is swiveled around the mouth to eliminate bacteria and remove plaque that can make your teeth look white. Some common oils used for oil pulling are sunflower and sesame oils. Coconut oil is rich in Lauric acid and is known for its ability to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria. Studies have shown that oil pulling with sesame oil can reduce Streptococcus mutants, the bacteria responsible for the plaque in the mouth. To pull oil, put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and press or pull the oil through your teeth. Pulling oil is a safe practice that can be performed by anyone. Baking soda has natural bleaching properties and is an important ingredient that is used in toothpaste.   

For one thing, baking soda is an abrasive substance that removes superficial stains from the teeth without damaging the enamel. It also helps to remove superficial stains by thickening the lemon juice so that it stays on the teeth. Coconut oil is a powerful natural tooth whitening that can be used in a variety of ways to achieve varying degrees of whitening. To make an essential toothpaste for oil whitening you need equal amounts of peppermint oil, coconut oil, spearmint essential oil, baking soda, cinnamon and bark oil.    


Brush your teeth with a spoon and scoop out the corresponding amount of coconut oil. While the American Dental Association has yet to confirm scientific evidence based on this claim, research suggests that oils derived from certain oils can help whiten teeth and maintain a healthy mouth. Not only does this make the difference between whitening and, for example, lauric acid, coconut oil also clears your teeth of bacteria that are present in plaque and can turn your teeth yellow.   

Natural remedy no. Make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide before brushing your teeth. Baking soda acts as a mild abrasive, while hydrogen peroxides bleach stains. Before brushing your teeth, mix 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide with 1 / 2 cup of water and wipe for a minute around in your mouth.  

Hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria in the mouth and helps whiten teeth because it is a bleach. Many whitening products you see in stores contain high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Studies have shown that toothpaste, which contains 1% hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, whitens teeth.   

A study found that after six weeks, brushing daily with a commercial toothpaste containing baking soda and peroxide resulted in 62% whiter teeth (14). Other studies have shown that toothpaste containing hydrogen peroxide and baking soda containing twice a day can whiten your teeth by 62% after six weeks.   

To whiten teeth, it is important to brush regularly and floss to limit stain behavior. Avoid natural teeth whitening methods that lack evidence, such as oil pulling and charcoal. Many of the most common natural teeth whitening methods prevent teeth from being stained at all.    

Whilst professional teeth whitening has a high degree of patient satisfaction and is one of the best ways to whiten teeth without destroying enamel, it may not be the right option for everyone. Below are four great and helpful natural remedies that can help someone whiten their teeth at home. From changing your diet to avoiding food stains, using teeth whitening methods at home can help you get a brighter smile and achieve faster results than professional teeth whitening treatments in the office.   

One of the easiest ways to whiten your teeth is to eat strawberries. They contain malic acid, a substance capable of whitening a person's teeth and removing superficial stains and discoloration from them. Although strawberries are the first food to consider when whitening your teeth, the truth is that all kinds of fruits and vegetables are great for whitening your teeth.   

While the idea that crunchy products can clean plaque from teeth is unfounded, it is true that some fruits contain natural acids that can affect teeth, especially lemons and strawberries. Like apple cider vinegar, these acids can break down enamel, darken teeth and promote tooth decay.    

On the other hand, according to a clinical study, papayas and pineapples contain enzymes that whiten teeth and fight stains. In combination with toothpaste, these enzymes dissolve plaque, making teeth appear less discolored.   


Acidic fruits are acidic substances that can abrade the enamel, which can lead to cavity sensitivity and other diseases. While eating lemons, oranges, limes, strawberries and other acidic fruits as part of a healthy diet can improve dental health, an increased intake of acidic foods can lead to tooth sensitivity and tooth enamel wear. The peels of the fruit contain citric acid, which can help whiten teeth.    

An easy way to incorporate pineapple, papaya and strawberries into your oral hygiene is to find a toothpaste that contains papain or bromelain. Eating fruits and vegetables A diet high in fruits and vegetables is good for the body and teeth. It is not a substitute for brushing teeth, but can help to rub off plaque when chewing.    

This approach means that you can whiten your teeth for longer by using household foods such as acidic lemons, oranges, apple cider vinegar (which contains digestive enzymes such as pineapple and mango) and abrasive baking soda. This method claims that brushing your teeth with ingredients such as activated charcoal, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide will brighten your smile. When you are done with a brush, you will be able to remove stains on your teeth through food and drink and keep your teeth as white as possible.