The fastest way to bring anything from the unseen world to

the physical world is through the study of Universal Laws.

We should study all the time, not just one time. We must

make sense from these laws, and make them a part of our

daily thinking, make them a part of us. Once this happens,

you are truly enlightened. There is no more struggle in

your life, your life becomes an easy and stress free process

of creation. You simply ask, and you are given, you simply

give and you receive more.

Here it is...

Step One: Define your major goals clearly.

If you don't know what you want, the universe can not help

you. State clearly what you desire, state it specifically.

Writing your goal in a form of intention seems always to help.


"I intend to earn $20,000 per month."

"I intend to attract my soul mate into my life."

Step Two: Design a good affirmation for each of your goals.

Your affirmation must believable, and must state the truth.

It always helps to use emotional triggering words.


"I choose to manifest $100,000 dollars Now. I accept this

or something better"

Using the words "I choose" will add extra believability to

your affirmation. Always add, "I accept this or something

better" to your affirmation. You will be amazed how much

more you will get.

By using the word Now, you trigger your power of creation,

because Now is the only time that exists, and the only time

your can execute your power of creation. Now is the only

time that manifestation occurs. By saying "NOW", you are

stating the truth. Don't fool yourself by saying, "but

I don't see the $100,000?". What you see you currently

possess is an illusion, you already have the $100,000 in

the energy level, you are stating the truth.

Step three: Program the affirmations into your subconscious


Once your subconscious mind accepts the affirmation as a

truth, creation happens automatically.

You've heard that your consistent thoughts become your

reality. Affirmation is one of the most powerful ways to

make something you desire become your consistent thought.

To make your subconscious mind quickly accept your

affirmation as a truth, you have to patiently convince it

by telling it the truths again and again.

Here is the truth you must remind yourself every time you

say your affirmation.

"At the deeper level, I am connected to the highest

intelligence in the universe that has created and will be

creating everything in the physical world. Therefore, I

have the power to create everything I desire at anytime. I

am the source of everything. Now I choose to see my desires

manifested in my world."