Different Types of Pull ups | Get Lean Muscle - 6 minutes read

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Different Types of Pull ups+ Benefits of Pull Ups

2 in 1 Comprehensive Pull up Guide

Written By R. Dey.

man pulling up-topic-Different Types of Pull upsman trying pull up-topic-Different Types of Pull ups

Pull- ups are a great exercise for erecting upper body strength and targeting different muscle groups. There are numerous different types of pull- ups, each with its own unique benefits. These are some common forms of pull- ups, but there are numerous further variables and substantiated forms with colorful names. Some uncommon and rare forms of pull -ups will be presented soon. With practice and tolerance, you can master these exercises and make strength in your upper body. Stretch ahead and after exercises. Keep in mind that everyone’s fitness trip is unique, so do not be discouraged if you cannot do numerous reps at first- with time and practice, you ’ll get stronger and be suitable to do further. It's important to take care of your body when engaging in physical exertion. To help injury, it's judicious to seek advice from a registered medical guru if you have a pre-existing medical condition. also, it's recommended to consult with an expert who can help you conform your drill routine to your pretensions and constitution, as every mortal constitution is unique. Let’s dive into different types of pull up exercises!


Different Types of Pull-ups

1. Standard overhand pull- up

2. Chin- up

3. Kipping pull- up

4. Typewriter pull- up

5. Muscle- up

6. Australian pull- up

7. Negative pull- up

8. Supported/ sitting pull- up

9. Wide- grip pull- up

10. Near- grip pull- up

11. Military Pull Ups

Pull up Tips

Common Mistakes

Pull up Advice

Nutrition and Micro Tips

Benefits of Pull Ups



  • How many types of pull ups are there?

  • What muscles do pull-ups work?

  • How many sets of pull ups?

  • What pull-ups are hardest?

  • What is the easiest pull-up style?

  • What is the best pull-up for chest?

  • What type is good to pull ups for beginners?

  • Which pull-up grip is hardest?

  • Are neutral grip pull-ups easier?

Different Types of Pull-ups

1. Standard overhand pull- up

This is the introductory form of pulling yourself up with your triumphs facing down from you. It targets your reverse muscles, biceps, and forearms. To perform this exercise, snare the bar with your triumphs facing down from you and hands shoulder- range piecemeal. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, also lower yourself back down. You may aim to perform 3 sets of 8- 12 reps.

2. Chin- up 

This variation involves pulling yourself up with your triumphs facing you. It targets your biceps and back muscles. To perform this exercise, snare the bar with your triumphs facing you and hands shoulder- range piecemeal. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, also lower yourself back down. You may aim to perform 3 sets of 8- 12 reps.

3. Kipping pull- up

This dynamic movement uses instigation and body swing to help the pull- up. It targets wide shoulders, strong lats, grip, abdominals, legs, and upper back. To perform this exercise, start with a swing and use instigation to pull yourself up to the bar. Lower yourself back down and repeat. You may aim to perform 3 sets of 8- 12 reps.

4. Typewriter pull- up 

This variation involves moving your body side to side at the top of a standard overhand grip pull- up while keeping your chin above the bar which helps engage further muscles in different ways similar as obliques or serratus anterior depending on how far you move indirectly during each reiteration which can be varied according to particular preference or fitness position pretensions (e.g., abidance vs strength). To perform this exercise, start with a standard overhand grip pull- up also move indirectly while keeping control over the movement throughout its duration (around 5 seconds). You may aim to perform 3 sets of 8- 12 reps.

5. Muscle- up 

This type of pull- up requires substantial pulling strength as it involves taking your casket up to the bar or close to it so that your arms are straight. It targets your casket muscles, shoulders, triceps, biceps, and back muscles. To perform this exercise, start with a swing and use instigation to pull yourself up to the bar, also push yourself up so that your casket is close to or touching the bar. Lower yourself back down and repeat. You may aim to perform 3 sets of 8- 12 reps.

6. Australian pull- up 

This variation involves pulling yourself up from a vertical position with your bases on the ground. It targets your reverse muscles and biceps. To perform this exercise, lie underneath a vertical bar and snare it with your triumphs facing down from you and hands shoulder- range piecemeal. Pull yourself up until your casket touches the bar, also lower yourself back down. You may aim to perform 3 sets of 8- 12 reps.

7. Negative pull- up 

This variation involves lowering yourself sluggishly from the top position of a pull- up. It helps make strength in your upper body by fastening on eccentric muscle condensation(stretching). To perform this exercise, start at the top position of a pull- up and sluggishly lower yourself down until your arms are completely extended while keeping control over the movement throughout its duration (around 5 seconds). You may aim to perform 3 sets of 8- 12 reps.

8. Supported/ sitting pull- up 

This variation involves using a band or machine to help you pull up if you ’re not yet suitable to do an unassisted pull- up or want to do further reps than usual without compromising form or risking injury due to fatigue or overuse injuries in other areas similar as elbows or shoulders which can do when doing too numerous reiterations without proper rest ages between sets(around 60 seconds). You may aim to perform 3 sets of 8- 12 reps.

9. Wide- grip pull- up

This variation involves placing your hands wider than shoulder- range piecemeal. It targets the external portion of your reverse muscles, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, thoracic erector spinae, rhomboids, infraspinatus, teres minor, and external oblique. To perform this exercise, snare the bar with your triumphs facing down from you and hands wider than shoulder- range piecemeal. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, also lower yourself back down. You may aim to perform 3 sets of 8- 12 reps.

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