A Guide to Identifying a Variegated Monstera in a Melbourne Nursery - 4 minutes read

11 Reasons Why You Need a Variegated Monstera Plant

Walking into a nursery can be a sensory overload of greenery, but amidst the sea of lush foliage, there's one plant that stands out with its mesmerizing patterns—the variegated monstera. This striking houseplant, with its unique white or yellow splashes on its leaves, has captured the hearts of plant enthusiasts worldwide. In this guide, we will unravel the secrets to identifying the plant and provide you with essential tips to ensure you bring home a healthy specimen that will thrive for years to come.

Understanding Variegation 

Variegation occurs when the green chlorophyll pigment is partially absent from a plant's leaves, resulting in striking patterns. In the case of variegated monstera, the white or yellow patches can manifest in various ways, such as splashes, stripes, or even mosaic patterns. When hunting for the plant in a nursery in Melbourne, keep an eye out for leaves with distinct colour variations.

Examining Leaf Patterns 

Inspect the leaves closely for clear, sharp contrasts between the green and variegated areas. Variegated Monstera leaves typically display irregular borders between the colours, creating a beautiful interplay of light and dark. Avoid specimens with faint or blurry variegation, as they may not develop into a more prominent pattern as they grow.

Assessing Leaf Symmetry

Symmetry is another crucial aspect when identifying a variegated monstera. Ideally, both halves of a leaf should mirror each other in terms of variegation. This balanced distribution of colour adds to the plant's allure. However, it's important to note that some plant cultivars display asymmetrical variegation, which can also be visually appealing. 

Checking for Health Indicators

While the allure of a plant lies in its unique appearance, it's vital to ensure the plant is in good health before making a purchase. Look for vibrant and lush foliage, avoiding specimens with yellowing, brown, or wilting leaves. Healthy roots are equally important, so gently inspect the root system—avoid plants with mushy or damaged roots.

Verifying Growth Conditions

To assess the well-being of flora, examine its growth conditions. Opt for a plant that has been kept under bright, indirect sunlight, as excessive shade can cause the variegation to fade. Adequate air circulation and humidity are also essential for these tropical beauties. Check for signs of pests, such as spider mites or mealybugs, which can damage the leaves and hinder the plant's growth.

Seeking Expert Advice 

If you're unsure about identifying the plant or assessing its condition, don't hesitate to seek assistance from a nursery in Melbourne staff or experienced plant enthusiasts. They can provide valuable insights, answer your questions, and guide you towards selecting a healthy and vibrant plant. Engaging in conversations with knowledgeable individuals can deepen your understanding and boost your confidence in making the right choice.

Patience and Care 

Growing the flora requires patience and proper care. Variegation can be unstable, and the plant's foliage may change over time. Some leaves may exhibit stronger variegation while others may lose their variegated patterns altogether. However, with consistent care, including adequate light, appropriate watering, and regular fertilization, you can help maintain and even enhance the plant's variegation. Remember to research and understand the specific care requirements for your chosen cultivar to ensure the plant's long-term health and beauty.

Understanding Cultivar Variations 

It comes in different cultivars, each with its unique characteristics. Some popular cultivars include Monstera deliciosa 'Albo-variegata,' Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation,' and Monstera deliciosa 'Borsigiana Variegata.' Researching and familiarizing yourself with these cultivars can help you identify specific traits and preferences. For instance, some cultivars may exhibit more prominent variegation than others. Exploring the diverse range of cultivars allows you to discover the one that best aligns with your aesthetic preferences and care abilities.


Choosing one from a nursery in Melbourne is an exciting endeavour, and with the right knowledge, you can confidently identify a healthy and visually captivating specimen. Remember to pay attention to leaf patterns, symmetry, overall health indicators, and growth conditions. By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to bringing home a stunning variegated Monstera that will be the envy of every plant lover.