Looking Low-Cost Surrogacy Clinics in Noida - Ekmifertility - 1 minute read

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Ekmi Fertility has a large pool of surrogates who willingly help couples struggling with infertility. If you are wondering whether surrogacy is expensive, you don’t have to worry. We provide all-inclusive treatment packages without any hidden cost. As per the egg donor and the type of surrogacy preferred, the cost of surrogacy in Bangalore varies. Feel free to schedule an appointment to know the actual cost. Surrogacy cost in Noida ranges Rs. 10 Lakhs to Rs. 16.5 Lakhs in Bangalore. However the cost may vary according to your case and your requirements. With new Surrogacy laws, a lot has changed. Ekmi Fertility, being the best surrogacy centre in Noida takes care of all the legalities.