What are benefits of eating cabbage? - 2 minutes read

There are numerous benefits of eating cabbage. Cabbage provides our body with fiber, vitamins, minerals which the body needs for healthy functioning.

Cabbage consists largely of water, hence they are low in calories, are excellent sources of fiber, vitamin A and C, iron, calcium and potassium.

Cabbage helps prevent certain types of cancer as it is loaded with sulforaphane, lupeol, and sinigrin.

Cabbage has carbohydrates with low fats are good sources of energy for metabolism. It also has a good amount of protein as well.

Cabbage has the following nutrients: beta carotene, vitamin k which are good for brain health.

It helps with osteoporosis and inflammation of the body and joint pain.

So you can see how nutritious cabbage can be and we need to encourage our children to start eating more of it in their diet as habits formed during childhood can be quite strongly developed throughout the individual's life.

Green cruciferous vegetables of the cabbage family seem to be the most effective for protection against stroke, heart disease, blood pressure, and diabetes.

The benefits of green, red, and all types of cabbage include: low in calories, low in fat and cholesterol, high in fiber, and also high in vitamins and minerals

Fiber is a component of fruits, vegetables and grains which the body cannot digest. However it helps in maintaining proper bowel function.

Cabbage is such a versatile vegetable in that it can be cooked, saute, fried, or eaten raw. The dishes one can make are endless. Furthermore, cabbage is delicious. It is grown in all types of climates.

It is no wonder that cabbage is a favorite of many people.