What are the 5 principles of yoga? - 1 minute read

The five principles of yoga, also known as the "five Yamas," are ethical guidelines that form the foundation of the yoga tradition. These principles are:

  1. Ahimsa: non-harm or non-violence. This principle encourages the practitioner to cultivate a sense of compassion and non-harming towards all living beings.
  2. Satya: truthfulness. This principle encourages the practitioner to be honest and truthful in their words and actions.
  3. Asteya: non-stealing. This principle encourages the practitioner to respect the property and boundaries of others.
  4. Brahmacharya: self-control and moderation. This principle encourages the practitioner to cultivate self-control and moderation in all areas of life, including sexual behavior.
  5. Aparigraha: non-greed or non-possessiveness. This principle encourages the practitioner to let go of attachments and to cultivate a sense of contentment with what they have.

These principles are meant to be practiced both on and off the mat and can help the practitioner to cultivate a more ethical, compassionate, and balanced way of living.

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