Benefits Of Alkaline Diet In Weight Loss - 4 minutes read

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Why is an alkaline diet in vogue?

If you are going to start following an alkaline diet, it is important to do it gradually and not stop eating acidic foods at once. Namely, if you are not used to it, your body may suffer.

Hippocrates once said, “ Let food be your medicine and medicine your food”. And this is what the famous alkaline diet is all about: changing the diet into a pleasant way to heal the body.

An alkaline diet aims to reduce acidic foods and increase alkaline foodsThis allows you to regulate your body's pH level and maximize visceral function.

In this battle of alkaline and acidic foods, nuts and any green vegetables should be favored . Sugars and bad fats should be completely forgotten.

An alkaline diet regulates pH

The philosophy behind an alkaline diet is that when the cellular environment is acidic, the body suffers from disease and poorer health. If the environment is more alkaline instead, the body can do much better.

  • The pH scales have 15 levels, ranging from 0-14.
  • 7 is neutral. 0-6 are acidic, 8-14 basic.

pH regulation is vital to bodily functions. pH directly affects blood pressure, blood vessels, and metabolic and respiratory processes.

An unbalanced human body

Too acidic body causes fatigue


When your diet is high in acidic foods, there are a number of things that can be regretted in later years:

  • Minerals and nutrients are absorbed less well.
  • The cells stop producing energy.
  • Damaged cells lose the ability to repair themselves.
  • The immune system responds more slowly to disease.
  • You suffer from fatigue and are more prone to get sick.

Does modern life promote acidosis?

Harmful foods are constantly advertised in various ways. For example, products of animal origin are seen in advertisements all the time. Meat, chicken, eggs, dairy products, and flour and sugar are very acidic foods. Fresh green vegetables, on the other hand, do not get much visibility.

And this is despite the fact that an alkaline diet regenerates tissues and lowers the inflammatory state of the body. It also restores the body's mineral and nutrient reserves.

You decide what you eat!

Products that cause acidic pH

Meat is an acidifying food

Many foods and products trigger various diseases and gradually damage the body. For example, many drugs can increase acidity.

Some use sweeteners instead of sugar, but they too can cause harm as they are often extremely acidic. The most acidic foods are usually meats, grains , legumes, chicken, fish and eggs.

Balancing your pH is one of the best decisions you can make in your life.

The basic end of the pH scale

In an alkaline diet, 80% of foods should be alkaline. Once the pH is in balance and you are happy with the results, you can continue to eat alkaline and acidic foods in a ratio of 60-40.

The most common alkaline foods are:

  • Fruit
  • Green vegetables
  • Seed
  • nuts
  • Spices

The four benefits of an alkaline diet

1. Slow down aging

An alkaline diet slows down aging

By following this diet plan, your pH will be 7.36, which will invigorate your cells. An acidic diet weakens the cells, which accelerates aging.

2. More energy

The nutrients and minerals you get from an alkaline diet greatly improve cell function. Potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium are like an energy injection into the body.

3. Stronger resistance

If the body is acidic, the blood becomes a perfect habitat for bacteria and viruses, that is, for diseases. But if the body is more alkaline, resistance to disease will improve.

4. Ideal body weight

An alkaline diet can help you lose weight

While the goal of this diet is not to lose weight, you will likely see changes in your weight as well. After starting this diet, the fat will burn quickly and you may even reach your ideal weight.

Tips for an alkaline diet

  • Start gradually: Removing all acidic foods at once is harmful, the transition should be done slowly. Remember that you are starting a new lifestyle, not a short-term diet.
  • Eat in a ratio of 80-20: Don’t rush to get quick results, and don’t just eat alkaline foods. The delicacy every now and then is OK. Eat so that your plate has 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic.
  • Replace dishes with others: Switch from white rice to whole grain or quinoa. There is a basic version of almost every traditional recipe.

Always remember to ask your doctor first about dietary changes. Also, don’t forget to exercise and enjoy life!


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