For most athletes, muscular endurance, or the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to repeatedly exert resistance, is a daily necessity. But even if you're not training for a sport, muscular endurance, built up via activities like running, strength training, cycling, swimming and climbing: offers many health benefits.

Why Is Muscle Endurance Important?

Muscular endurance is your muscles' ability to perform repetitive motions — lengthening and contracting — over long periods of time without getting tired.

Importance of Endurance

Increasing your muscular endurance will make everyday chores and tasks easier. Training muscular endurance will increase your stamina — you'll have more energy to go from your job to playing with your kids, for example.

You will find that performing repetitious physical activity — such as gardening, raking leaves and washing your car — will become less fatiguing, too.

How to Train Muscular Endurance

Resistance exercises, such as body weight exercises, weightlifting or plyometrics, should be performed for higher repetitions — typically 12 or more per exercise with light to moderate weight. Take shorter rest breaks in between sets to get your muscles used to prolonged stress.

Benefits of Muscular Endurance Activities

1.    Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Great heart-healthy muscular endurance activities include jogging, cycling, swimming and brisk walking, though the bulk of the research has looked at walking and jogging.

For example, one long-term study published in a 2014 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reveals that runners have a 45 percent lower risk of death from heart disease than their nonrunning peers.

2. Aids in Weight Loss

While diet is the biggest factor in losing weight, physical activity comes in at a close second. And research shows aerobic exercise alone is an effective approach to weight loss.

3. Improves Mood and Sleep Quality

It turns out that endurance exercise not only makes you happier, but it also helps you sleep better.

4. Prevents Age-Related Decline

A 2017 audit in NeuroImage inspected the impacts of oxygen consuming activity — to be specific, investigating the cerebrum sweeps of in excess of 700 grown-ups, matured 24 to 76 years, when high-impact practice programs or in control conditions, analysts found that activity prompts the creation of a substance that may help forestall age-related decrease in mind work.

5. Leads to a Longer Life

Using data collected from more than 80,000 U.K. residents, a study published in 2017 by the American Journal of Epidemiology concluded that strength training reduced risk of death from any cause by 23 percent, regardless of whether that training involved body weight-only or weighted exercises.


That means starting slow with only one or two workouts per week and low weight. There are several styles of program that can help you strength train:

Body weight exercises:  This type of exercise is great because you can do it anywhere. Push ups, pull-ups, squats and lunges are examples that you can do.

Tubing: Exercise bands and tubes can provide resistance at a lower level than lifting free weights. Many physical therapy programs progress from body weight to tube exercises.

Weight Machines: These are the machines you see at the gym that target a specific muscle group. They are a nice step up from tubing because they guide your motion, making sure you keep the correct form and stay safe.

Free weights:  Picture a classic body building gym. Those giant barbells and dumbbells of all sizes are free weights. Free weights can be tricky because you need to have proper form and balance to avoid injury.

If you want to learn more on other benefits to increasing your muscular endurance. Check this video to learn more