How To Lose Weight Without Exercise - 2 minutes read

Though exercise is considered to be necessary for losing weight I think without it too we can lose weight.

It is well researched and established fact that 80% of body transformation takes place with changes in diet and 20% is through exercise, so if we want to skip exercising then we need to take care of 80% that is diet.

Now what to eat and what not you can easily consult online, consult a dietician or Dr but I just want to add important points.

1)Chew your food as slowly as possible (generally it’s 32 times bites), now how does that help. It simply delays your eating time and it is said that around 30 min time is required for signals to go from stomach to brain and as the brain gets signal it feels full, so you will eat less.

2)Just downsize the plate in which you eat and make a point not to refill it, take whatever you want once only.

3)Mentally relax don’t get stressed because the more you are stressed more you will want to eat, you will lose focus and once the brain is distracted you will not realize how much overeating you have done

4)Sleep is important too, one should have sound sleep, it is said 7 to 8 hours sleep but I think the quality of sleep is important than an hour, if you can sleep few hours undisturbed and deep than it’s more than enough, idea is to get your body and mind relaxed.

5)Don’t exercise but try to visit the gym or go to joggers park and just watch people doing exercise, by visually our brain starts thinking and acting as if our body is exercising too, so don’t do physical exercise but think about it.

6)Drink a lot of water and keep yourself well hydrated

7)Go for a steam bath that will not only remove toxins but will burn fat too.

8)Take mud therapy, in this wet mud, is rubbed all around the body and you need to lie in sunlight for 30 min approx it will gradually tighten skin and will pull out excess heat inside

9)Take an enema once a month this will remove extra toxins and will improve metabolism, better metabolism will help in reducing weight.

10)Taking these steps will definitely help in reducing weight, of course without exercising.

We would like to suggest some popular weight loss medicine which will help you to get an excellent result,