One Post A Day (OPAD) - 1 minute read

In this free class, NY Times Best Selling Author and Facebook Marketing Millionaire Ron Douglas will show you a simple system he's using to generate an extra six figures in recurring income from Facebook with just one post a day.


In fact, this new system is so simple that he assigned it to his 12 year old daughter to do and in under an hour a day she's generating traffic at pennies per click.


If you want a step by step Facebook marketing system and a simple sales funnel you can use to create an ongoing paycheck, you want to attend this presentation live. 

If you don't know Ron, he's a NY Times Best Selling Author who has been featured live on Fox News, GMA, NBC and in People Magazine and has sold over $30 million in information products, online services, and books since 2001.

It’s rare that we can get such an esteemed guest to show you his entire process live, so you don’t want to miss this! 


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