Sqribble eBook Software: The Good, Bad & Ugly - 3 minutes read


Let’s face it, we all want more traffic, more subscribers, and more daily sales. And there’s one simple solution that still works like gangbusters for this — eBooks.

Whether it’s a powerful lead magnet such as a free report or whitepaper, or a Kindle book that you sell daily… digital books are still an awesome way to attract traffic and sales for almost any type of business.

But there’s just one problem — creating them can cause all kinds of headaches. Writing, formatting, designing… it can take days or even weeks to create an eBook, plus a steep learning curve and a handful of expensive tools you’ll need to master… before you’ve even hit publish!

But there’s a brand-new tool on the market that promises to change all that.

It’s called Sqribble.

What is Sqribble?

Next in my Sqribble eBook software review, let's address the question What is Sqribble?

Sqribble is a cloud-based tool that allows you to create eBooks (reports, whitepapers, etc.) in seconds. It uses ready-made templates and drag-n-drop design features that make self-publishing your eBooks a breeze.

How Does Sqribble Work?

I wanted to create an ebook over at my smart home blog www.onesmartcrib.com so I bought Sqribble and put it to the test.

When you log into Sqribble, you’ll see a bunch of eBook templates to choose from. These are all based on different categories, so you’ll need to find one that matches your market/topic/niche.

Once you’ve selected the template you want to use, you simply click “view” to see how your eBook will look (don’t worry, we’ll add your content next.)

In this view screen, you can see how the book will be laid out and get a feel for the style. If you don’t like it, you can always go back and choose another template (there are 50 templates to choose from, and you can also edit the templates too, in all kinds of ways.)

You’ll notice that the layouts and designs are very slick. They look like professional publications!

Next, you’ll be asked where you want to source your content for the book. You can choose:

— Grab from a URL

— Start from scratch

— Copy and paste manually

— Upload Word File

— Start from Article Collection

Let’s take a closer look at these options.

Here you can extract content from Sqribble’s huge library of private label articles which you can use for free, without crediting authors or linking to the source. It’s another great way to quickly fill your book with content, for free!

You’ll then move to an editing screen, where you can resize text, move content around, edit text directly, add media, links, lists, call to action areas, new pages, and a whole bunch of other options for customizing the look and feel of individual pages or the entire book.

You can even add new pages that use a totally different layout to the rest of your book, giving you a huge amount of flexibility and endless options for your book.

Finally, when you’re ready to publish, you hit the little “Generate eBook” button in the top right corner of the screen and voila, your book is now ready!

You can either open the book in a browser to preview it quickly or save as PDF.

Is Sqribble right for you?

If you’re already creating lead magnets or eBooks for sale, then I have no doubt that Sqribble is going to save you hours of work and tons of money on freelancers (if you outsource the design or writing side of it.)

For that reason, I truly believe that Sqribble is well worth the investment and perfectly suited for most small to medium-size businesses, especially self-publishers and info-marketers.

👉 Click here to see Sqribble in action!