yolo68 - 6 minutes read

How to Win Every Bet You Place!


A lot of people think that betting on sports is all about luck. But there are many things you can do to improve your odds of winning, such as:

Accept your losses.

This is the most important part of sports betting and the hardest thing to do as well. Losing money sucks, there’s no way around it. Don't take your losses personally though, because that's when you start making bad decisions and ruining everything else in your life too. The best thing for you to do is accept that you lost, move on from it and try not to let it affect the next bet that you place or anything else in your life for that matter!

Lose with dignity.

When you lose, you don't have to be a sore loser. It's not always the bookie's fault, and it might not even be a mistake on their part! Sometimes, they're just better at math than you are. The best thing to do is take your lumps and move on.

If you can't quite bring yourself to accept your losses with grace, remember that it's OK—and maybe even preferable—to be disappointed and upset by losing bets. But there are ways of handling those emotions without being annoying or disruptive:

  • Don't accuse the bookie of cheating! They may have cheated against someone else before (or will do so next), but that doesn't mean they've done anything wrong this time around.
  • Don't make excuses for why things didn’t go well; if anything, try finding something positive about each result and focusing on that instead of dwelling on what went wrong—after all, there are plenty of reasons why people win or lose bets!

Stay within budget.

You’re not going to win every bet you place.

That’s just how it is—and that’s okay! But if you want to make the most of your gambling, it’s crucial that you stay within budget. Think of your monthly spending limit as an allowance: the more money you spend on bets and other expenses, the less cash is left over for other things (like food).

If you find yourself consistently overspending, try setting a lower betting limit for yourself or cutting back on other expenses so that there is more money available for bets. You can also use this opportunity to save up some extra cash in anticipation of future events like paychecks or vacations by spending less than usual so that the extra savings goes directly toward these goals. A little planning goes a long way when it comes to budgeting!

Place small bets.

Betting on sports is an exciting way to make some extra money, but it can also be extremely frustrating. It can be hard to stay calm while watching your bets lose by a few points. If you place small bets, however, you’re less likely to lose big and more likely to win. In addition, placing smaller bets will allow you to have more options for what team wins or loses!

If you want some tips on how much money should go into each bet before placing it, we recommend choosing between 1% and 5% of your total bankroll (or $1-$5).

Don't be greedy.

Don’t be greedy.

If you want to win every bet you place, then you need to apply this simple rule: don't bet more than you can afford to lose. If the outcome of the bet is not certain, then it's better not to gamble at all because there's no guarantee that your money will be returned if things go wrong.

The reason why this is such an important rule is that people often make the mistake of trying to squeeze as much out of a situation as possible, even when they know deep down that it won't work out in their favor. The biggest reason why most gamblers lose money is that they're too greedy or impatient with their bets—they just want to win big right now! This isn't going to happen though; gambling requires patience and discipline if one wants success over time (and if they're looking for quick results).

Bet on the underdog.

The underdog is almost always a good bet to win. The reason for this is simple: underdogs have nothing to lose in any given game. They're already considered the underdogs, so they have no pressure on them at all.

They're free from the burden of expectation, and as such, they tend to play with more passion, heart, and hustle than their more favored opponents—which gives them a significant advantage over those teams.

Furthermore, because they're not considered favorites by anyone else besides you (you being one of the few people who know how strong your team really is), there's no reason why anyone else would think of betting against them either—meaning that everyone else in your league will most likely be betting on their favorite team instead of yours!

And lastly but certainly not least: since nobody's expecting these underdogs to win anyway (that's why they're called "underdogs"), nobody will even notice when it happens—meaning that if you do decide to place your bet on an underdog this weekend...there won't be anybody around who knows enough about sports or betting strategy to take advantage of your knowledge and make money off of it themselves!

Know the rules of the game before you place a bet.

  • Know the rules of the game before you place a bet. There are a lot of games out there to bet on, and each one has its own set of rules. Before placing any bets on a particular game, it helps to know what those rules are. This will help ensure that you make decisions that align with those rules and prevent you from picking up bad habits or making mistakes in your betting strategy.

Improving your winning chances is about improving your overall sports knowledge, not by picking out a few bets or tips on betting!

Improving your winning chances is about improving your overall sports knowledge, not by picking out a few bets or tips on betting!

Knowing the basics of the game is important, of course - understanding the rules, who can use what techniques, and how to score points. But that goes without saying. It's also important to know all about the players in each game; who they are, what their strengths are and how much they're worth. The history of each team will also give you an idea of whether they're going through a good or bad patch at present. Finally, it's vital that you know which coach likes to play defensive or attacking football, etc.


Improving your winning chances is about improving your overall sports knowledge, not by picking out a few bets or tips on betting! The fact is that there are no surefire ways to win every bet you place. However, if you follow these simple guidelines and keep yourself within reasonable limits (such as only placing bets when it’s OK if they lose), then it’s possible to increase your chances of winning without risking too much money on each bet. Visit the yolo68 website for online betting.