Discover How To Unlock The “HIDDEN” Muscle In Your Body - 6 minutes read

Dear Friend,

No-one likes to admit their sex life isn’t what it used to be.

You keep yourself active. You work out hard. You eat well. So why does it feel like you’re no longer in control of your body?

Your body doesn't move like it used to.

You don't feel like you used to.

It feels like your drive and desire has given way more and more to stress, tiredness and the pressure of everyday life.

Then, one day, you look across to your partner in bed sleeping after another passionless night and wonder…

…“What The Heck Happened To Our Love Life?”

Think back to how it used to be, when your partner couldn't keep their hands off you?

You had all the energy and vitality you ever needed, free from pain, stress and fatigue.

Now, it feels like it’s all behind you and there's nothing you can do about it.

I mean, that's what you’re led to believe.

You’re told it's an "age thing". That it's natural for your sexual performance to diminish.

You're told it's something you have to deal with… so get used to it!

Or you're told it's to do with your diet or your lifestyle. (As if some weird berry or expensive supplement is going to make any difference).

well, I'm here to tell you, it's not your fault.

You don’t have to accept this as normal.

You don’t have to roll over and give up on sex.

(In fact, you should be enjoying your best years ever.)

You see, your sex life wasn't killed by your lack of desire. No way.

It was suppressed by something altogether more dangerous.

For years, it has been under attack by a deadly trio of fatigue, stress and diminished sexual health.

As you'll soon discover, this isn't a mental issue or a chemical imbalance or anything like that. In fact, you'll be shocked when you discover exactly what it is.

The Truth About Tight Hips And Sex

You see, our hip flexors are the engine through which our body moves. They control balance, our ability to sit, stand, twist, reach, bend, walk and step.

Everything goes through the hips.

When our hip flexors tighten, it causes a lot of problems in ordinarily healthy and active people, like you. Problems like decreased blood flow, poor circulation and reduced sexual function.

But, here's the crazy part. Tight hips can even affect our emotional state and stress - a major factor in the loss of sexual function.

Before I reveal how most people end up with tight hip flexors yet never realize it, let me introduce myself.

My name is Mike Westerdal and I'm a national best-selling fitness author, sports nutrition specialist, personal trainer, Iron Man magazine contributor and founder of the internet's longest-standing strength site,

Over the years, I've seen the terrible effects tight hips can have on men and women.

But, the good news is you can quickly and easily release your tight hips to re-ignite your sex drive and bring the fire back to the bedroom.

Without supplements. Without diets. Without anything doing anything weird or embarrassing in the bedroom.

Keep reading and I'll show you how you can get your sex life back to great. It's a simple 10-move bodyweight sequence to loosen your hip flexors and unlocks the hidden power in your body that you're going to love. (And your partner will love it too!)

But first, let me explain how deep-rooted the problem is.

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Here's the truth: Most people don’t realize the cause of their problems is tight hip flexors.

The impact the hips had on the whole body never occurred to me until I saw the effect of tight hip flexors had on the health and well-being of my wife after she gave birth.

It was only then that I truly understood the magnitude of the problem.

We're not just talking about a bit of soreness; tight hip flexors are the root cause of problems such as:

  • Nagging joint pains in your legs, lower back or hips
  • Walking with discomfort
  • Hips locking up
  • Bad posture
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Sluggishness in day to day life
  • High Anxiety
  • Digestive problems
  • Compromised Immune System
  • Circulatory issues
  • Loss of sexual performance
  • Lack of Explosiveness in the gym or sports

If any of these sound familiar to you, don't worry because you're not alone.

Tight hip flexors affect nearly everybody, but few realize the impact on your whole body.

Again, everything flows through the hips.

Think of the hips as a barometer. The health and flexibility of your hip muscles are an indicator of the strength and health of our whole body.

Your hips are the bridge between your upper body and lower body. They are at the center of your body's movement.

Sitting within the well of your hip and lower spine is the psoas major muscle, one of the two muscles that makes up the iliopsoas.

It’s often called the "mighty" psoas (pronounced so-az) for the many important functions it plays in the movement of your body.

The psoas is the only muscle in the human body connecting the upper body to the lower body.

The muscle attaches to the vertebrae of the lower spine, moves through the pelvis and connects to a tendon at the top of the femur. It also attaches to the diaphragm, so it’s connected to your breathing, and upon it sits all the major organs.

A functioning psoas muscle creates a neutral pelvic alignment, stabilizes the hips, supports the lower spine and abdomen, supports the organs in the pelvic and abdominal cavity and gives you greater mobility and core strength.

When it functions well, it has the power to…

  • … help you achieve peak performance day after day after day.
  • … rapidly drop ugly body fat that stubbornly clings to your body.
  • … train harder, heavier and gain strength faster than you thought possible.
  • … hit your peak of sexual health.
  • … flood your mind and body with renewed energy and vigor.

Put simply, this muscle is the core of activity in your body. So, when it's out of balance or if the psoas tightens, there are serious consequences which flow throughout the body.

And there's one activity, in particular, that's the sworn enemy of your psoas muscle…

Unlock The “HIDDEN” Muscle

In Your Body

To Instantly Release Tightness, Eliminate

Pain, Flood Your Body With Energy And

Bring The Fire Back To The Bedroom…

No Matter What Your Age…
With Just A Simple Bodyweight Sequence