Don't Starve When SHTF - 2 minutes read

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If you want to live as independently as possible, it is definitely a good idea to know how to grow your own food. Those who don’t have this knowledge are very vulnerable in a major crisis. If there is a ever a shortage of food for any reason, you will be relieved you know how to grow your own. In this review I'll discuss a very popular product called My Survival Farm.  It goes in detail on how to design and plan out your survival garden. It consists of step by step directions that are simple and easy to follow. This is vital before you can begin growing anything. You’ll also learn how to prepare garden soil so for growing healthy fruits and vegetables. Most importantly there a section in it that shows you how to hide it so its not visible so it will not get raided during a food shortage and a list on 50 medicinal plants and detailed instructions on how to grow them. 

There is another section of this guide that details how to hide your garden so that it is not visible to the naked eye. This will help you protect the crops that you have grown so they won’t be in any danger. If there is ever a shortage of food, you don’t want anyone stumbling across your garden. But if your growing your own food you'll need to know how to deter pest

Medicinal Plants

It comes with easy and detailed growing instructions for 50 medicinal plants That will provide you with your own natural remedies and medicine. Without having to worry about the potential side effects of prescription drugs. 

Pest Control Tips

If you are going to grow your own garden at home, you will need to know how to deter pests. There is a section in guide that shows how to prevent and deal with these pests. This will really help you keep them from ruining your crops throughout the growing process. This guide is loaded with so much priceless information that I couldn't list it all here. If your intetested I recommend going here for more information. #shtf #survival #prepper #prepping #survivalist #preparedness #survivalgarden #emergencypreparedness #offgrid #tactical #bugout #preppers #survivalgear #edc #permaculture #homesteading #doomsdaypreppers #survivalists #nofood #watersecurity #urbansurvivalist #stockpiling #emergencybackup #economiccollapse #tacticalgear #disasterpreparedness #offgridlife #offgridliving #selfsufficient #doomsday