The Best Ways to Lose Weight Safely and Keep It Off - 4 minutes read

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Why do so many people lose weight only to gain it back again? For most, it’s because their chosen approach to weight loss was too severe or restrictive and wasn’t sustainable for the long term. 

But with the right information, you can lose weight safely and keep it off – we’ll share with you the five best ways to make sure your weight loss is long-lasting and sustainable.

Start your day right

To lose weight, you need to start your day right. Eating breakfast is one of the most important habits in losing weight successfully. Breakfast can jump-start your metabolism, which helps you burn calories throughout the day. 

Plus, it will keep you from overindulging at lunchtime or snacking on high-calorie foods when hunger strikes.

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Cut back on sugar

One of the best ways to lose weight is by cutting back on sugar in your diet. Sugar can be found not only in sweets like cookies and cakes, but also in other foods such as loaves of bread, cereals, pasta sauce, salad dressing, rice milk, fruit juice drinks, jams, and jellies. 

To cut down on sugar intake, you can read food labels and avoid products with high levels of sugar, which will be listed on the nutrition facts label as grams or percent daily value (%DV). Avoiding sugary beverages is another good way to reduce your sugar intake; it's recommended that you drink water instead. You should also limit snacking between meals and try not to eat any processed foods that contain large amounts of refined sugars.

Check ingredients

Curious about which foods are healthy for you? Check the ingredients! Ingredients make up about 70% of a product’s nutrition information, so be sure to read labels before you buy. If you can’t pronounce any words on the ingredient list, then it might not be as healthy as you think.

Also, buy products with less than 15g of sugar per serving.

Take small steps, be consistent, and don’t give up

Losing weight can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. All you need is a plan that is healthy and realistic for your lifestyle. These five steps will help you get started: 

1) Start with small changes in your eating habits – gradually cut out sugary drinks or high-fat snacks, for example.

2) Exercise more often by increasing the amount of time you spend walking each day.

3) Get enough sleep so that you are well-rested and energized.

4) Track your progress on a regular basis so that you can see what areas might need some improvement.

5) Be patient – healthy living takes time!

Set goals

In order to lose weight, it is important to set goals for yourself. For example, try setting a goal of one pound per week or two pounds per month. Setting these small goals will help you not only see your progress but also keep you motivated.

The key is ensuring the goals are attainable so they do not become discouraging. One way to make sure that the goals are attainable is by making them realistic in terms of the time period allowed. If a person sets an unrealistic goal, like 20 pounds in six weeks, then they may give up before reaching their goal because the time frame given was too short and overwhelming.

Build Supportive Habits

Whether you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, the key is to make healthy living your top priority. That means eating a nutritious diet, getting enough sleep every night, exercising regularly, and managing stress.

Even if you fall short of your goals for a day or two, don't let that derail your efforts. Get back on track as soon as possible so you can continue to form new habits that will lead you toward an overall healthier lifestyle.

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