Pest Control At Rental Property:- Every information you often seek here and there - 3 minutes read

Pest control at rental property

A rented property occupies a good space in USA’s cities. Pest is the problem at those places just like any other industrial and residential property. But when it comes to pest control at rental properties, so many things start coming into play. Read more to get clarity over that.

1. There is no law in the city of Detroit or any other city in Michigan that specifies who should be responsible for conducting Pest Control Services in Detroit or other cities in Michigan.

2. The public health department of Michigan states that it is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that the property is free of bedbugs and rodents.

3. Any pest control services e.g, mosquito control services are provided by a pest and rodent control company. For any pest control services like Mosquito Control Detroit is a paradise where bedbugs, mosquitoes, mice, and other rodents are a never-ending problem. Pests and rodents are abundant in residential structures in Detroit, they have also moved to schools, libraries, hospitals, and other public institutions in large numbers, making it a major problem.

4. In an interesting statement Erik Foster, medical entomologist of community health in Michigan said that “It is in oftentimes the landlord-tenant relationship where bedbug infestations tend to fester and go on because everyone is trying to prove either responsibility or causation, and they are also concerned about money problems.

5. It is true that for bedbugs or for rodent control Detroit like cities in MI expensive and poor tenants with very few residential choices are afraid to report any pest issues fearing the expenses of rodent control services in Detroit.

6. However, Wildlife control in Detroit city or any other city may not be that expensive because there are free services available by the animal department to control domestic animal issues involving dangerous dogs, stray cats, squirrels, bats, etc.

7. Bedbugs may not be harmful to your health, but not all pests and rodents are. Rat scratches and bites can cause renal illness, heart disease, and a variety of other problems. As a result, Pest Control Services in Detroit have become quite important, given that Detroit is one of the most pest-infested cities in the country.

8. True, there is no law stating who should be responsible for Pest Control Services in Detroit, Southfield, or any other city in Michigan, but there are directives from the Michigan Public Health Department stating that the property owner, not the tenant, should bear the burden of pest control in the property.

9. Normally, pest control responsibilities are not mentioned in the rent agreement between the tenant and the landlord, but in this Pest City assisted like Detroit and other similar cities in Michigan, it should be described in detail in the rent agreement.

10. Bills such as “House Bill 5199” and “Senate Bill 657” were submitted from time to time in an attempt to govern pest control through legislation. According to "Senate Bill 657," the tenant is responsible for paying for pest control services in Detroit and other Michigan cities if a pest infestation is caused by a tenant or a visitor in order to lessen the burden on the property owner.


Despite all of the attempts, the truth remains that there is no such law in place as of yet, and it is the property owner’s responsibility to bear the burden of pest control services on the property, according to the Michigan Public Health Department.