Lose Weight: Tips To Lose Weight + 3 Bonus Tips - 3 minutes read

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The basis: a clear and achievable goal

Diet and lifestyle

The most important thing is that your diet goal is achievable. 'Lose weight' is not concrete enough: determine exactly how much weight you want to lose in how much time. Be aware of why you want this. Write it down somewhere, hang it on the fridge. Then you are more likely to persevere in difficult times.

Take your time

A strict diet is difficult to maintain. The lost kilos often come back in a short time afterward: the well-known yo-yo effect. If you've been hungry for a few weeks and lost weight, your body will then store the food you eat extra quickly as fat. So you arrive relatively faster. In addition, there is a risk that you will become deficient in all kinds of nutrients during strict dieting.

Keep track of what you eat

Only when you know what you eat can you choose what you want to change. Losing weight, therefore, starts with awareness. Keep track of what you eat every day in a food diary, for example, Mijn Eetmeter (from the Netherlands Nutrition Centre). This gives you a better insight into what you eat and drink. Several apps can help you with that. Just be careful not to obsessively count calories.

Move a lot

Exercise is an important part of losing weight. Research shows that light-intensive exercise throughout the day is healthy. So don't send an e-mail, but visit your colleague. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take the bike instead of the car. The Knowledge Center Sport gives even more tips to get through the day actively. Do you want to start exercising? Build it up slowly.

Eat mindfully

Eating with attention ensures that you eat less. Eating in front of the TV or behind the computer is therefore not a good idea. Because of the distraction, you don't know if you've had enough. Don't eat too fast either, you will miss the signal that you are full. Taking small bites and chewing well will help you to eat more slowly and less. Extra advantage: small snacks increase the taste sensation so that you eat less.

Use a small plate

On a small plate, the same portion will appear larger than on a large plate. Your brain thinks you ate more.

Watch out for avoiding foods

Excluding certain foods is not always healthy. We need some nutrients every day and should therefore always be in our diet. If you have a diet that largely adheres to the Wheel of Five, then you know that you are getting what you need.

Click here for the 3 Bonus Tips