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If you ask book marketing pros today about blogs, nearly all will tell you bloggers can help promote books. One of the best things is the high level of engagement most people have with the blogs they follow. The close rapport bloggers have with their audiences means that when they mention your book, or you make a guest post on a blog, followers will become interested. In general, promoting non-fiction books is more straightforward because they are regarded as newsworthy more easily. However, bloggers interested in novels and other fiction books are willing to give them substantial coverage.

Book bloggers (and video book bloggers) are enthusiastic proponents of titles they enjoy, and their followers seek advice about what to read. The coverage your book receives on blogs can take many forms. It can be reviews, a chapter or excerpt, giveaways if you furnish copies of your book or even a Q&A with you. Coverage for some books includes more than one, and if you receive a favorable review from a blogger, you might arrange for a giveaway to run shortly after to keep the momentum going. People who want to read your book but don't become contest winners will likely buy copies.

Finding media coverage for children's books can be tricky, but blogs for parents and grandparents often cover kids' books. It works similarly to book blogs with mentions, reviews, opportunities for you to guest post, giveaways, etc. It's also wise to combine blog coverage with traditional media exposure. People read many things online and in print; if you make multiple impressions on them, you might spark a book sale. Working with a publicist who has a well-developed blog contact is also helpful. There is quality variation among blogs, and bloggers like editors and producers need to be pitched carefully.

Earning helpful coverage of your book on blogs benefits from a well-organized approach like the one you'd plan for traditional media outreach. It includes targeted pitches, including key messages, and developing a well-rounded media kit. It should contain information about you and your book, head and cover shots, a press release, and a review copy (or download). Knowing about the blog you're approaching as does understanding the blogger's interests. When it's clear from your pitch that you know and appreciate its content and point of view, your pitch becomes more persuasive.

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Phone:- 856-489-8654